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Is my grey adjusting well?


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I just adopted my little Roscoe 15 days ago. I had him shipped to me in Salt Lake City from San Diego (there are very few good breeders here) and he came nearly weaned at 4 1/2 months of age. I kept up his hand-feeding for the first few days, but he was already eating veggies and pellets, and he pretty much told me that he didn't want his hand-feeding anymore...even at night, even earlier tonight. So I figure he's pretty well weaned. He eats ALL the time. He seems to be pretty independent, but he also seems to eat for entertainment, rather than playing with his numerous toys. Also, he doesn't really hold his food with his foot, he just eats like a dog and throws the stuff he doesn't want right away out of his dish(es). His primaries are cut, but the breeder told me that he was flying before he was shipped, and he flaps alot, knows how to control his landings and hasn't gotten into too much trouble. He tries to follow me sometimes when I leave the room (and don't take him with me), and he seems curious, but not overly so. I'm wondering if he's just still settling in, or if I could be patterning him to be sedentary. I'm trying new things with him, taking him with me when I make his breakfast and outside (while it's still warm here), and he's okay with it, but he still seems a bit reserved. On the other hand, he's very easy for me to touch and pet, and his step-ups are usually right away, and he already raises his foot to elicit a step-up sometimes. What else...He babbles his baby noises, but never really to get attention yet, and I'm wondering if this is a bad thing? He seems like he tries to make sounds, but I've only heard his call once (this morning) and he's been pretty quiet mostly, from my experience. Am I doing anything wrong? Or is this just a slower developing grey? I had two greys before (when I was married and had to sell them through the divorce) and they were talking at 5-6 months old. By the time I sold them at 2 years old, they already had a 40 word/phrase/numerous sounds vocabulary. I know Roscoe likes ME, but he growls at other people in the house, even though I've tried to socialize him with them from the beginning. Is he just being nervous? Will this pass? Is this lack of playing with his toys a lack of me properly showing him how to do it? I'm trying to spend a lot of time with him, but I don't want him to get too dependent on me and develop separation anxiety. Where's the line? Any advice would be great!!

Thank you so much.:)

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It sounds like Roscoe is doing just fine and you are doing fine also. My grey never said her first untill she was two years old and now she talks nonstop.

As far as new people, let them talk to him and offer him a treat so he knows not to fear them and he should come around. Welcome to the forums

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Thanks a lot for the reply. I guess it's just really easy to second-guess yourself when you want to do everything right for your little buddy. Once I get a bit of extra time, I'll post some pix of Roscoe. By the way, any thoughts about the eating like a dog and not holding his food thing? Just curious.

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