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Hi, I'm new to all this forum stuff, but I have a new baby CAG and wanted to get into some discussions. I'm in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, and there's not much to tell...I've had my new bird for only 15 days now, and I'm just trying to get a gauge of whether or not I'm socializing him/adjusting him properly (although I've done this before 15 years ago). Anyhoo, just thought I'd say hi.

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Hi Alpenglow and welcome to the grey forums.

What is your greys name.

The forum is very easy to use, just post and members will jump in.

We love storys and pictures and we share the good and the bad and the forum is here for your fun and to support you if you need us.

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Hi !!! Welcome.... You picked out the PERFECT name LOL...

My Roscoe is an 11 yr. old re-home I've had almost 2 yrs.


Pictures, PLEASE!!! We love them, especially the cute babies. There's also a wealth of knowledge here, so look thru threads & find answers or ask away..

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Sorry, I've been gone awhile. I'll give you a couple I have of my little Roscoe, but they're not the best...they're from his second or third day at home. But he doesn't look like a baby, he's always been pretty big (he's about 400 grams right now for a 5-month). A little more time, better pix, ya dig? Thanks a lot for the welcome, it makes me and Roscoe warm and fuzzy inside. Your're right, though, perfect name. By the way, it's not just Roscoe, his full name is Roscoe P. Coltrane! Had to do it. BTW, tryin' to figure out all the picture stuff, so it might be a minute...still new to the technology (I'm an animal).

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Can't seem to find what I'm lookin' for to get pictures on here, but Melissa helped a ton with her post on the welcome board. So here I am again. And this is Roscoe, but only the ones I have so far. My camera is buried under some remodeling, and I can't get to it yet (and I DON'T DO cellphones at all). Also, don't judge his cage by the first day dowel perches, they are not even in use anymore, and he's living much better now that he's shown me what he wants (and I had some time to make some safe perches for him). Anyhoo, I hope you like him as much as I do, and I'll update as soon as I can. BTW, all of my misgivings about his behavior have recently vanished, as he has been the best little dude I could hope for in the last 40 hours!! We had our best training session ever, and he's really starting to show his spunk and independence. And he's beginning to respond to his name and come when he's called. But he's also extremely sweet and affectionate, and his bites are almost always exploratory (unless he's cranky, but they're still mild and cautionary). And now he's actually starting to play with his bells and toys in his condominium, so all is good!! I have a big question for everyone, though...to clip, or not to clip? I've had other parrots, and I've always had their wings trimmed, but it seems that popular consensus may be changing on this. Any input would be terrific.




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Our Roscoe got his name fom Roscoe James McClain... song, "So in Love" 1963


Very, very cute photos !!! Love that innocent baby face .....


As for clipping..... I say NO<NO<NO!!! it's entirely up to you, but i'm a firm believer. Never have clipped any of mine, never will.

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Roscoe is a fine looking little guy! I personally do no clip my parrots, I have three and they are all flighted. I find that they are more independent and confident if they can get around on their own. My parrots don't scream for me, they just come looking for me if I am in another room. I love the sound of their wings catching the air when they are flying. Priceless!! I have ceiling perches and boings around my home and my feathered friends love to sit on these and keep an eye on the activities of the house.

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Thanks for all the praise for my little dude. I think he's a cutie too. I'm still working on better pix with better lighting. I'm a little stuck right now with some remodeling of my house, but he's taking it pretty well, even with the noise. He's pretty mellow. But he has his moments, for sure! Thanks for the thoughts on the clipping...I've had other birds, and some were poorly behaved and bratty when unclipped (very domineering), but as soon as they were clipped, behaved like perfect little angels because they knew they had to rely on me to get around. Roscoe flaps all the time, even without urging, and his breeder said that he was flying before she shipped him to me (but she doesn't ship unclipped birds). It doesn't seem to me like he resents his wings clipped, and I can pet/examine his wings, under his wings, feet, and pretty much any part of his body. And he especially loves having his beak rubbed and cleaned after he's made a mess out of it in his food dish. But I'd love to see him fly, and I'm sure I'll just let him grow all his feathers out. I just don't want him getting into trouble, and I know that I'm going to have to be extra watchful.

One more question: Any input on full-spectrum lighting? I've been reading about it, and I'm sure it couldn't be a bad thing, but is this totally necessary? I think it helps with vitamin absorption, but I'm just not sure how important it is.

Thanks again,


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