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Hi everyone,


I'm a new owner of a cag, as of about a 1.5 weeks ago :)

It's been a very long time I've wanted to own one, and there was always a reason why it wasnt a good time... Well, I figured now is the time.

I'm based in Israel, and we have here a few dozens of breeders around.

I carefully found one which seemed professional, and very loving and caring for the birds- I got a bunch of people referred me to him as well.

We called him Elvis...

The breeder says he thinks it's a He, based on his experience.

I'm not much of a writer.. but I will be writing here and there... asking for advice-

Seems like there's a lot of experience around here!

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Congratulations! Greyt that you've finally been able to commit to the fid that you've wanted for so long. I hope you both have a long & happy life together. I hope you find a lot if useful information on GF. I hope you won't be shy about asking questions or telling us about your adventures w/Elvis.


And you don't have to worry about being much of a writer. Especially if you say it w/pictures!!!

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Hi azv and Elvis and welcome to the grey forums.

I`m not much of a writer either but I plug along and try to do my best. If the members can put up with me you will do fine.

And yes we love pictures and a good story or two or three or more

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