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New Here and I really need some help .


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Hello everyone . I brought home my baby grey yesterday at 4 weeks old , at least that's what I was told . This site was helpful but i was scared to post . Seems there is a lot of opinions about hand feeding babies . And I respect that but it's to late to hear all that cause the damage is done . Wish I would of looked for this site before but that's not what happened . And I joined because I really need help and I'm not here to argue about what I should of done so please lets not . My Grey is very young and I don't now where else to go for support . The breeder wasn't any help , he said to spoon feed about every 4 hours and that'ts it . When I asked the breeder what was he feeding him he said , " I wasn't ,took him from his mom just now ". At that point I took him home knowing he was the worst breeder ever but thinking if I didn't what would be this little guys fate . A friend of the family hand fed her Grey many years back but didn't remember much . I bought the formula and just gave him his first feeding yesterday . And from what I read on this site I was doing it all wrong , there is very little directions in the back of the package . 10:30 pm I gave his last feeding according to what i saw on this site . He took about 20ml and I will feed again at 7am and 4 hours after that , If something goes wrong no one is to blame but myself . I really wan't him to make it , if he doesn't I will never forgive myself . Open to anything helpful , please help.

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Oh my gosh....my heart breaks for the position you were thrown into. I understand you are doing the best you can. I have never hand fed a baby before, but I understand they need to be fed very carefully by a syringe and much more than 4 hours. You have to be careful not to overfeed and be careful that it does not get I to their lungs.

I Dave007 gets here soon, he is your best source of advice here regarding hand feeding. But i wouldn't wait, PLEASE get this baby to an avian vet ASAP! He can help you, time is of the essence here, don't wait, he will die if not fed properly and quickly....


I wont even get into the creep this breeder is......that's for a different time. Your baby is most important right now. PLEASE rush him to a vet and learn how to properly feed and care for his needs at this age.

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Hi 2cute. Sorry paronthood is starting out to be so scary & I wish I could be any specific help. But I know nothing about chicks. You can try contacting Dave007 who would be able to give you a lot of advise. BUT I would suggest that you don't wait for him to get back because your fid can't wait very long to be fed & there are pitfalls to feeding him. So, I'd also suggest that you contact your vet. I think the chances are good that you'll be able to work thru this with both of them helping you. Hope this helps. Please keep us posted.

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OK i just go back from the vet . Good news is the baby is doing well , she gave me a new syringe and we fed the baby together . Bad news is the breeder is a liar ! This chick is about 10 days old . Now I'm really scared but I'm glad I got more information and helpful tips . Vet said I can call any hour even after hours if I need to . I go back in 2 weeks but call in a week to report progress .

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I also got my cag at 4 weeks he is 18 weeks now. It is relitive easy to feed a grey they are fast learners and will start take the spoon as soon they find out where the food is coming from. Take a teaspoon and bend the front to form a 10mm channel in front.

Mix the formula so that it is about as thick as yogurt, it must run nicely off the spoon. Boil the water, let it cool down, then mix the formula, start with two tablespoons of formula and ad the water till it is right, mix very well, now heat it in the microwave a little and stir it very well cos the microwave make hotspots, be carefull if the formule is to hot it can caurse cropburn witch can be fatel, I taste it myself to make sure, check the temp with a thermometer, the feeding temp is 40-43 degC this is very important, otherwise the baby will refuse it, it might be necessary to heat it a couple of times as the formula cools down while feeding, add hot water if it gets too thick. Feed approx. 50 mills 4 times a day. Keep the baby warm a cold baby won't eat, to make sure feel the wingtips and feet if it is cold the baby is cold, a temp of about 25 degC is ok at 4 weeks then you can slowly reduce the temp to 20deg at 6 weeks. Then a lot of patients and love, after every feeding hold and cuddle him. The other important thing is to be very hygenic, rinse everything in a sterilisation liquid before using, wash wel after use, and before feeds check that his crop is emtying ok if there is still food in wait another hour before feeding, if the crop don't empty at all, there is a problem see the vet.

I hope you understand I'm not good with explaining. There is good sites if you Google "feeding my baby african grey" spend some time reading thru it.

Good luck

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This is beyond horrible! Please contact someone official about this despicable excuse for a breeder, after you get things sorted out.


But I'm very glad to hear that your baby is doing ok & that you've gotten some support. I really am hoping all the best for you both. Please don't hesitate to post any questions. There are probably members who can help you w/many things when they're around. Having the vet on speed dial may be a good idea though. Sounds like a good one btw. Extra points for taking you in immediately & offering to be so available to you. That's a very good thing to have, under any circumstances.

Edited by birdhouse
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I just read over this thread and I am just horrified at how this little one was treated by the breeder (and who knows how many others?)--but like other members here have said already, I'm so very happy that at least you have a good avian vet who can help you through this delicate situation, and please just know I'm thinking of you and your baby too.

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Good work going to the Vet as soon as you knew you were treading water it makes a huge difference when you learn what to do to keep him safe. Your confidence will build and this baby now has a much better start in life. Congrats for taking the initiative to learn more and become the best Parront you can be.

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I too am hand feeding a baby. She is older than yours and is on two feedings a day. She was hatched in mid July. My breeder is a big believer in handfeeding. I know that so many people disagree with this however I have researched this and read and decided that this is the way that I wanted to raise her. I have hand fed my daughters linnie (I must say that little birds are much easier!!) My breeder would have weaned her but I decided about a week ago to bring her home. Yes it is scary and I am sure that as young as your baby is it is even more frightening! However as my husband keeps telling me everytime I freak out and worry about every little thing not to forget that this is a fun time. I have wanted a cag for over 20 years and I do tend to freak out over every little thing. (normal for me) I feed Dorothy with a paper cup, I do microwave the water however never once I have mixed in the formula. I make sure that my hands are very clean and I do touch the formula. I am very afraid of burning her crop. I then keep the measuring cup in a bowl of hot water to keep the formula warm while I feed. Dorothy is very messy, very! This is my new obsession, keeping her feathers clean. I was shown how to tear a little hole in the center of a paper towel and slip it over her head to keep most of the formula off of her chest. When they get older they get messier, she went from a neat eater to a mess over night. My friend works at an aviary and she has been so helpful with feeding techniques. I then wipe off her beak, her neck, chest etc. I do use a warm paper towel to get most of the formula off, I also use a very soft toothbrush to kind of comb gently through her feathers, this works great removing the formula. Just keep wetting the brush. It's kind of funny to watch her, watching me do this. She is very patient. I then give her a good long snuggle after the feedings, she usually falls asleep in my arms. Just continue to have fun with your baby and make sure to call the vet in case of any thing that seems "off". It does make me so angry when I hear about a "breeder" doing this to you and your baby. It sounds like you are doing everything right. Remember try like I am trying that in between the worrying that we both will do to have FUN!

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WOW brianlinkles 2 feedings , I really hope we get there. Just to get there I'd know we are half way there . I do worry a lot but I think it just part of being a parent . I will definitely try some of these tips , i think they will make are life's much easier . Thanks for the useful tips .

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Hello everyone . I brought home my baby grey yesterday at 4 weeks old , at least that's what I was told . This site was helpful but i was scared to post . Seems there is a lot of opinions about hand feeding babies . And I respect that but it's to late to hear all that cause the damage is done . Wish I would of looked for this site before but that's not what happened . And I joined because I really need help and I'm not here to argue about what I should of done so please lets not. My Grey is very young and I don't now where else to go for support . The breeder wasn't any help , he said to spoon feed about every 4 hours and that'ts it . When I asked the breeder what was he feeding him he said , " I wasn't ,took him from his mom just now ". At that point I took him home knowing he was the worst breeder ever but thinking if I didn't what would be this little guys fate . A friend of the family hand fed her Grey many years back but didn't remember much . I bought the formula and just gave him his first feeding yesterday . And from what I read on this site I was doing it all wrong , there is very little directions in the back of the package . 10:30 pm I gave his last feeding according to what i saw on this site . He took about 20ml and I will feed again at 7am and 4 hours after that , If something goes wrong no one is to blame but myself . I really wan't him to make it , if he doesn't I will never forgive myself . Open to anything helpful , please help.


Thanks for being brave and posting your question, I want to apologize for my fellow flockmates. Really, I am sorry about that, as I know that theres a small part of our "flock" are a bit "passionate/neurotic" on thier beliefs and are a bit obbssesive the way they try to shove their opinion down others throats, but Im glad you decided to post anyways. I dislike when the argument(s) are one sided, which unfortunatly happens once in a while, but overall this is an excellent forum to learn and share info on our wonderful companions.



That being said, please feel free to post pictures of your little bundle of joy when you can. Thanks and welcome to grey forums.

Edited by Cupid
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^^^ At the time, I was a little focused on your baby's needs. But I'm kind of glad that Cupid reminded me of how impressed I was that you braved any possible negativity to do whatever was necessary for him. I also think that you deserve props for the way you handled this!!


How are you & the baby doing?

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I think it is a sore subject because we hear of so many illnesses & deaths associated with improper hand feeding techniques often due to lack of knowledge. It is sad to know too many people find themselves in the same situation and don't know any better-you took the initiative to get help and ask questions-Good move, you showed courage, compassion and smarts.

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I think it is a sore subject because we hear of so many illnesses & deaths associated with improper hand feeding techniques often due to lack of knowledge. It is sad to know too many people find themselves in the same situation and don't know any better-you took the initiative to get help and ask questions-Good move, you showed courage, compassion and smarts.


I concur! So glad your here now.

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