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Another Nilah Story!


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The other morning as I was cleaning up the mess of toast all over my kitchen table and kitchen chairs, floor and everywhere from the birds breakfast, I heard Nilah humming away. Well, when she hums, we all know that means she's doing something she shouldn't.........so off I went to look for her. Just as I thought, I found her playing in the cat door to the basement, she climbs up on it, perches on it and sticks her head thru the door and chews the Inside of the door, or climbs in and tries to play in the disgusting litter box......:(


I saw her head in there, then my newest dog, (10 month old Bichon) would run over to her, sniff her tail, she would then come out, turn around, jump off and chase him down the hall until he disappeared around the corner. She would the run back to the cat door, climb up, stick her head in, and the fun would begin all over again with the dog.

This I watched for about 4 or 5 times until I put an end to it.


I have to learn to keep my video camera downstairs and easily accessible...:(

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Great Nilah story. Yuck hate cat boxes never had one in the house always taught my cats to go outdoors while living in the country. When I moved to the city 5 years ago, I gave up cats as I just can't stand a cat box but I don't like squished kitties either. My favorite cat is a Manx.

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The seemingly endless fascination birds have for dogs kind of amazes me. They do seem to love to feed, tease & order them around. Smart as they are, I've always thought it was positive proof that they have no concept of relative size!


It is a shame you didn't get to capture Nilah in action! But it was still fun to read about it. :)

Edited by birdhouse
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