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I have a 4 1/2 month old CAG

the problem I have with him is he doesn't like being in the cage evrytime I'll try to put him in he starts (whining) or cry that's what it sounds like to me

Well if I leave him outside side the cage he tries to fly but he can't because his wings are clipped and I don't want him to get injured or anything

I'm new to grey so pls help me

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Having him out of the cage is good. When you say that he tries to fly but can't, does he crash to the ground or flutter to the ground? Would it be possible to get a playstand and have it on carpet so the landing is softer? I know my TAG wants to be out of his cage but is happy on the playstand (which I don't get because his cage has a lot more fun stuff in it!) Can you put some sort of towels or padding around his cage? When he tries to fly is it because he is trying to get to you? Maybe a place for him to hang out near where you hang out would be good.

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Most greys love to be out with their human so my question is. Are there enough toys in his cage to play with so when he is in there he has something to do.

And like barbara said an out side play stand to play on with foot toys and bells.

You have a clipped bird so he needs a safe place to play.

Giving him lots of things to do will take his attention off of you. Giving him toys so he can entertain him self when your not there will help him be a more balanced grey.

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At 4.5 months old, he is just an infant. It is natural for them to want to be with and protected by the flock (You). I know it's hard, but you do need to get him into sometime of routine on being in the cage for periods of time, just console him when you hear those pitiful cheeps but leave him in the cage.


When you do have the time to give full attention to him, let him out with you. Believe me, he will learn very quickly that flying does not work. They are super intelligent. However, you should use precautions and ideas as the others posted above. :)

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Congrats on your new little grey. I love the babies as they are the most malleable and trusting a grey as you will ever find. You young grey has lost its flock and is looking to you for comfort. Now is the time to earn trust and form a lasting bond. The first thing I do when I let Sterling Gris, 7 months old, out in the morning is give him a warm cuddle, lots of verbal loving words with lots of head scratches. Greys love gentle head scratches. Sterling then flies to the back of my desk chair, he has chosen this as "his" place. Or the top of my computer screen another place he has claimed. I have places throughout the house where my parrots can light and see me in whichever room I am in. I find that as long as my fids can see me, they are content. I have hanging toys in these place as well with foraging nooks and crannies for my curious little imps. The only time my fids are in their cages is for sleeping, if I leave the home, or if strangers are around. When Sterling is put in his cage, he gets cuddles and scratches with gentle words so he is happy and ready to chill in his cage. Having lots to do is a key for keeping a grey happy.

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Thnx evryone yea may b I need to get a play stand for him

And he does have 5 toys to play with plus the perch n swing

But he doesn't play with them hill just sit n whine whenever his locked up in his cage / I feel bad for him so I let him out :(

And do you guys put ur greys in the cage nighttime ?

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Because I am retired, my parrots are out most of the day. If I leave the home or acquaintances come in that my parrots are not use to seeing, I put the fids into their birdroom or their cages, whichever is appropriate. Otherwise, my birdies are out all the time. They have perches and swings throughout my home and they are all independent and self-assured parrots.

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