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Hi All,


Baby Boy is a fairly hardy eater. He loves his pellets of all varieties. He isn't always reliable when it comes to eating people food. He usually tries things, but he hasn't found anything he's super crazy about.


I'm posting today to get some suggestions for easy to concoct/prepare mashie type meals. I don't want to go broke. I have plenty of time to devote to this, but I don't want to spend large amounts of time preparing food. I don't have a blender or food processor. I prefer to not buy bulky fruits/veggies because most of it goes to waste.


What suggestions can you offer?


Thank you in advance.


Amanda and Baby Boy

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I have plenty of time to devote to this, but I don't want to spend large amounts of time preparing food. I don't have a blender or food processor. I prefer to not buy bulky fruits/veggies because most of it goes to waste.


I guess that depends on what you consider a large amount of time. I usually freeze 7-8 weeks of mash. Realistically mine usually take 4-5 hours over 2 days time. Soaking/washing & chopping are probably the biggest percentage of that time. I also soak wdried beans & peas then cook them w/other things & make sure it's totally cooled which is where the second day usually comes in. So, let's say it takes me 1/2 hr/wk to make mash.


Other than that, I guess you could make a cooked portion of just dried beans, peas, grains,etc. Freeze it in 2-3 day portions then add fresh or frozen veggies/fruits as you go. Or buy prepared cookable bird foods & possibly add whatever you feel willing to spend the time on.

Edited by birdhouse
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