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Olly has had a set back


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Not sure what has happened, but Olly has decided that he does not want anyone to hold him. He came to me from the moment we met with no trouble. He has been gentle and lets me pet his back and scratch his neck.


Last Saturday, he just decided that he did not want to come to me or anyone. If he is out on top of his cage and someone comes into the room he quickly gets down and back into his cage and will not let anyone get him. He would bite me if I got close enough. I have no idea what happened, nothing changed that day. I am still going into see him all of the time. I am sweet talking to him and letting him know that I want to hold him by trying to get him to step up all of the time


Don't know what to do. should I just keep trying and leave him to his fussiness, or do I get a bit more persistent. I could make him get on my arm by bringing my arm from behind and getting him to step backwards. I am just afraid that he will really be pissed then.

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Parrots like us have bad days. Some days my Que would just rather I leave her alone. So I do. Normally within a couple days she is back to normal.

Is Ollie still being stand offish? How old is he? Maybe he is not feeling well? Is he normal otherwise? Is he still earing the same amount? How is his breathing?<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/09/12 20:02

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Hmmmm, well...thats kind of what happened to me. One day he just snapped and didn't want anyone near him other than me. How old is he and how hard does he bite? I got my grey to get along with my b/f Paul by having him ignore all bad behavior and just let him bite...he saw that nothing worked to get Paul to leave him alone and now they are almost best buds. Mine does not bite hard yet so if Olly draws blood then it would be a bit harder to just ignore it. If it's too much to ignore then I would start with a perch. Let him bite the heck out of the stick and that way your fingers stay on and he's getting the training he needs. Also, did anything change in the past weeks? I've heard of a Grey start acting out almost a month after something like new furniture was put in the room with him.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/09/12 20:04

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Yesterday Makena was in a horrible mood... I think he was mad at us for having a dinner party the night before! For the first time ever he didn't want to come out of his cage, was nipping at us and being very rough with his toys. We basically just left him alone all day and let him do his own thing.


Today he is back to his sweet self, out of his cage, chatting away, not nipping and getting lots of head scratches!


I have to say though... yesterday was kind of nice. I was able to get a lot of work done around the house! I wouldn't worry about it... they have moods just like us!

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Just kidding, I think my fiance would beg to differ... I love you, I hate you, I love you, I hate you... And after 5 years he still doesn't get it that I can be in a bad mood and it isn't because of him!


I like to think that Makena is the same way... Hormonal imbalances :silly:!!

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I'm am not commenting on the "WOMAN" issue (no pun intended) at all....The topic WAS a bird with a Tude today. It will change again, just as it has today...you can count it.


Now, a moment of silence for the hormonal Women, while I zip my face to keep it from being torn off...



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Yeah, you better zip it! lol



If it's just a day or two that Olly gives you a tude then you got nothing to worry about. Mine was being a real buttmunch yesterday evening...has WAS being a perfect angel earlier. I think he got huffy because I wouldn't give him any cake after he helped me make it.(dad's birthday)

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Thanks for all of the great advice. I guess if I had him longer I would not be worried. I have only had him for a little over three weeks and he came from a bad living situation. He is 8 years old and has had three different homes, mind included. When I got him the person selling had only had him 2 weeks because he was selling him for the original owner. He said the Olly was mean and would bite everyone. He came to me immediatly and let me pet and scratch him. I of course bought him right away. He was very sweet to me for the first three weeks but not to my daughter. Now he will not come to anyone.


I am concerned because I do not want to let him controll the situation and just stay in his cage like he is use to doing. He came from a place that had many birds and did not treat anyone of them like a family member, just birds in cages. And he does bite really hard. He has not bit me yet but my daughter has had a bruse for over a week from one of his bites. It would be really hard to ignore that.

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It will take patience and time. He is 8 years old and had a rough time upto meeting you it seems.


That is a lot of baggage he needs to work through. The way he is going to love you both and act as if he does. Is with plenty of time to make sure your just not on your best behaviour during the "Honeymoon". :-)


Let him come around on his own and pay careful attention to his body language. It will let you know if he just wants to be left alone to observe you guys or is interested in some closer range contact.


I know it's hard, because you want to just love him to death, but he's not ready for that yet.


You are doing such a fine job!!


Hang in there and let him come to know that the human clan he is around now, has no desire ti harm or mistreat him.

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