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Hi, i was registered here before but i cant remember what my password was and i cant remember my password for my email account either so i had to re join. I was AshaGrey and i hope im still welcome here because i have had a bad few months and i now only have Kikki still with me. I had some problems at home and became severely depressed and couldnt cope any longer all i want to say is it was a bad time and i made the choice to take the birds back to the breeders (Kodi amazon went to my amazon breeder too) i kept Kikki because the others were all able to go to the breeders. Anyway i was gutted but im now picking myself up and would love to be able to join in here again if you will have me? Kikki is well by the way, she has settled in so well and she loves me to bits. She has never bitten me and shes so funny she lifts my spirits daily. Oh and by the way i have a little sprog on the way too, will be my 4th child! So i hope im welcome here but please do say if you feel i did the wrong thing and i will stay away, i dont want to be posting and everyone avoiding my posts! Hope everyone is well and their fids are too xx

Edited by Kikki
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All of you on this forum are just the most caring and uplifting people I would ever want to meet. There is so much to share and you make the good stuff even more wonderful and support from others helps the tough parts of every day living be put into perspect. Glad to have all our members whether you can post every day or if you just read quietly and share occasionally.

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