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Grey been lost 4 days.. home tonight


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Hi there,


My Grey flew away 10am thurs and i've just got him home. He has been out in the elements the whole 4 days as he was found in a garden at about 8pm tonight. He has flown about 10 miles in total.

He is very lethargic and won't eat his normal food or his fresh fruit. However he has eaten a half a small pot of yogurt which is his treat now and again.

My question is, HELP! What should I do to give him a boost? Is there something specific that I should be doing. He is currently cuddling with my husband to warm him up and we have wrapped a towel over him too as he is shivering. He is not even trying to bite me (and that is his favourites pass time normally! :-)

We are giving him tiny amounts of water with a pipett but he is refusing.

He is only a baby a 11 months old... although typing this he has just pooed down my husbands back so he cant be that dehydrated... and is now trying to attack his glasses but with little effort.

This is our first bird and so we are not sure if is ill or traumatised as he is normally a wimp anyway.. l

Thank you for reading this..


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Thanks all... He has an appt today at the vets... He is a little better this morning.. He has bitten me three times which means he is getting back to his normal self.. lol... He spent most of last night asleep on my husbands chest and we had the heating on to keep him warm... He has had a tiny bit of water this morning and he has eaten a grape... But taking him for a check up to make sure that he hasn't caught a cold etc...

We are sooooo relieved that he his home. Our three yr old is over the moon!

Thanks for all your feedback... Now I have found this forum I will be looking through all your tips and advice as we are very new Grey owners, we have only had him since April...

Take care, Gemma and Gonzo!

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HI all... We are back from the vets.. There wasn't an avian vet there so we saw a "normal" vet.. She checked him over and said that his chest is clear and he has no discharge from his nose and his poo looks normal. The fact that he is still off his food could be because he is sooo tired because he will take a biscuit and he tried to eat my daughters cheese crisps.. and he tried to get in a cup of tea today! So he will eat certain things but not his normal fruit and veg and seed mix. We have been given some salt water solution.... have to give him 3 mls a day. Just cooked him some scrambled egg but he is refusing to even try any.... The vet is concerned though that he is very thin and if he doesn't start eating in the nxt 24 hrs then we have to take him bk... He was a gentleman with the vet... He didn't bite her and he was very accommodating... even when she was lifting his wings up...

Will update you all with his progress... Thanks for your replies..


Gemma and Gonzo x

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Great news! May I suggest you all allow him to eat with you and off your plate at the dinner table? My greys will always eat what I am eating, that may be the quickest way to get him eating and adding some weight on. Please keep us posted. My grey loves sharing oatmeal with me and being fed by a spoon when I am having it.

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