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Need to have someone get bird out to potty--won't go in cage!!!

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My african grey Charlie has always refused to go potty in her cage. For years we have had someone come in halfway through the day to let her out to potty in her potty basket. This is very expensive. What do others do that have birds who will not potty in their cages?

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I haven't had this particular issue, but I wonder if you could create a separate area through the nest box door which you could enclose with a smaller cage to contain her potty basket attached but separate from the cage? I am thinking of a cage addition. I'm assuming you have proabably already tried putting a "used" potty basket into her cage. How old is Charlie?

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Many people are actually happy when their bird doesn't use the cage. Many people wish their birds would do it but a bird can't be trained to do that type of thing. A bird will eventually do that in the cage if it needs to. Nature dictates that. Having someone come to a house to let the bird out is like taking a dog out to move it's bowels. A dog can easily be trained to do that. A parrot which is and always will be a wild animal ( even pet birds) can't be trained to do that so if you want your bird to go in the cage, simply leave him in the cage and he'll eventually defecate. Having people come in the house to let the bird go defeats that purpose.

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My tag, Talon won't go in her cage. She has a sleep cage, never gone in it no matter how long she is in it. Downstairs she has a daytime cage for when I have to work or go out. She won't go in it either unless I leave her there for the entire day, and even then, rarely. But as soon as I take her out, she will go potty on her potty basket. She will even go potty the very last second on her potty basket before take her up to bed. Don't worry, if they have to go, they will. It won't hurt them to hold it. That shows great control and awareness I think..

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We have tried a very large cage with a smaller cage inside of it, an attached cage, and a potty basket in the cage. Anything that seems to be a cage, she sees as off limits for pottying in! We will try this week to just leave her in and see how she responds. Last Friday, our pet sitter forgot to get her out. When I got home, she had not pooped in her cage but did not seem overly anxious to get out to poop.

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Thank you for your input! I am going to try just letting "nature take its course" and see what happens. We are gone from about 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We won't know what is going to work without trying something different. This week will be a good test of whether we have been worrying too much:)

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We tried the potty basket in the cage and she would not use it. I think we have just never given her a chance to show what she needs. We have been too quick to assume!! Thanks for your input:)


Although I have no idea what a *potty basket * is, you shouldn't put in any item in the cage. In other words, let her go in the cage and the poop will fall into the cage tray. I hope you're not bothered by cleaning a cage more often but loads of people do it that way. Use newspaper to cover the tray and that'll be the only thing that'll have to be replaced.

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