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Fell in love with a grey I went to see.


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Well I'm not going to get too excited just yet, not until I have her here with me.


I have been doing some research on the legality of lost birds/pets etc & it seem in the UK they are subject to the 28 days rule. If nobody has come forward in 28 days, providing the finder does their utmost to find the owner then they legally pass on to the finder after 28 days, who then becomes the legal owner. At which time they can then legally sell/foster or re-home the bird with whoever they see fit, in this case me. :)


A few more days to go yet, so we shall see what happens.


I'm holding my breath right along with you! (Fingers crossed!)

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Well today we are discussing the arrangements regarding he grey coming to me, so should know something a little later.


I'm quite surprised that they haven't found the owners as the lady looking after the grey has plastered it all over the net, forums, lost & found, parrot alert, RSPCA, John Haywood etc pretty much all the things I have done to try & find Murphy & that's how I found this one because of her hard work. They also managed to get it out on the radio but still nothing at all. She also works at a vets & has gave all over vets in the area the info & spread the word. So at least we know that she tried her hardest to find the owners.

Edited by reggieroo
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^^ It's good to know that she's doing the right thing by this Grey, Paul. Then, should you take this darling little one home, you will have a clean conscience and know that she is truly "yours". :)


By the way, exactly how many days do you have left to wait until the woman can legally hand this Grey over to you--if you don't mind my asking? (If you said it already and I just missed it, I'm sorry.)

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^^ It's good to know that she's doing the right thing by this Grey, Paul. Then, should you take this darling little one home, you will have a clean conscience and know that she is truly "yours". :)


By the way, exactly how many days do you have left to wait until the woman can legally hand this Grey over to you--if you don't mind my asking? (If you said it already and I just missed it, I'm sorry.)


I'm not quite sure how many days, I know she said it's over three weeks now so that's at least 21 days. She was talking about the next few days when on the phone to her yesterday so I'm guessing the weekend would be the right time. We still need to have a proper chat about it all as last night was all about her finding out if I still wanted to take her on.....................which was a big YES from me. Over this next few days we will be discussing the arrangement etc.


As for knowing that she will be truly mine, not sure on that for a while as I'll still feel as if the owners might turn up in the near future to claim her back. Although legally I wouldn't have to return her, if they could prove she was their bird & were genuine people then I would no doubt hand her back, & hoping somebody would do the same for me & Murphy he he was ever found in somebody's care. I'd imagine after 12 months or so the trail will be cold & then maybe she would be mine for sure.

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Wouldn't it be weird if through some glitch the people that owned this grey ended up with Murphy because they didn't connect back up with this bird through the proper channels. I don't know why that thought popped in my head. I guess it's that they are about the same age and both with purple bands.

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Well the only update is the lady is still waiting to talk to their RSPCA officer for advise, she thinking if doing the re-home through them if possible so there is a record of it all. She won't be able to speak to them till Monday now. I was looking forward to maybe having her this weekend but like they say "all good things come to those who wait".

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Although legally I wouldn't have to return her, if they could prove she was their bird & were genuine people then I would no doubt hand her back, & hoping somebody would do the same for me & Murphy he he was ever found in somebody's care. I'd imagine after 12 months or so the trail will be cold & then maybe she would be mine for sure.


Your a good Man Paul! :)

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Ok, well a little update on the progress of the situation. The lady has emailed today to say that they have spoken to the RSPCA officer who wasn't all that helpful, turns out that the RSPCA have to keep animals for 7 days before re-home. The RSPCA have said that basically, if the lady wants to go through them, the grey will need to go to them while they do a home inspection on me & then I will have to pay a donation if I pass the home inspection. I said I'm happy to do that although I would rather not put the grey through all that messing about.


So between us tonight we have agreed that we seem to be the only people who actually care for the welfare of this lost/found grey(I know you guys on here care). She has told me that I can have the grey on Wednesday which I said I'm happy to do, told her I'd get the cage ready & waiting. So it seems as if this little grey is coming to me on Wednesday but I'm not going to jump for joy until she is actually here.


I have to say though I can't wait.................fingers crossed it all goes well & I do get her Wednesday. :D


Just thought I'd share with all my friends on grey forums.

Edited by reggieroo
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