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Fell in love with a grey I went to see.


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As most of you know I've been on the hunt for my lost grey Murphy for the last three months but unfortunatly with no luck. :(


Well in my search I came across a grey that had been found 35 miles away. The grey was young grey the same age approx as Murphy & with a purple band on the right leg. Well I was sure it was Murphy & even after checking the ring number on the phone I still had it in my head that it could have been Murphy & couldn't rest. So I called them up & asked for a visit to to set my mind at rest. I kept thinking that they might have read the ring wrong or something like that. Anyway they were more than happy for me to make a visit to see this grey they had in their care. I got there all nervous & they brought the little grey down to see me but it wasn't Murphy.


Even so the little grey was more than happy to step up for me, a complete stranger & then straight up on my shoulder. They said to me "be careful, she (they don't know the sex but are calling her a she for now) can be a little nippy if you take her off the shoulder" But me being me I didn't worry about a little bite & asked her to step up, which she did with a few harmless nips. Within 10 minutes or so I her her stepping up with no nips at all & she was only too willing.


This little grey was such a sweetie who spent the whole time sat on my shoulder & towards the end of my visit was mumbling in my ear. :) I'm not sure how long I was there chatting etc but this little grey has stolen my heart & I felt that we formed a bond virtually straight away. I felt so at ease with this grey & I felt the feeling was mutual.


" she has certainly taken a shine to you" were the words they said to me. I replied "I could take this little sweetie home right now"


Upon leaving, they took the grey back upstairs but she didn't want me to leave, she flew back after me & landed on my shoulder again.


The story with this little grey is that she was brought into the vets after being found by someone. The lady who is looking after her, offered to take her home while they searched for the owner as she has a parrot of her own & has experience with parrots. She told me that they will keep her for 4 weeks, apparently that is the legal time they have to keep her before offering her up for fostering/re-home etc. They are not quite sure what to do with her after the 4 weeks but I just couldn't help myself & offered to have her. They promised to keep me updated on the progress in the hunt for the owner.


Although I'm hoping for the owners sake & the little grey that they get re-united, I'm also selfishly hoping to have a new grey friend in my life. Even though I will never stop thinking about Murphy, I can't stop thinking about this little grey either.


I think I have fell in love with another grey. :)

Edited by reggieroo
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It's so nice to see a post from you. Really nice to hear you smiling like that! It would be pretty terrific if something that wonderful came out of all of this. I don't want to wish any ill will on her owners. But I have to admit that I'm kind of hoping it's kismet & you have found another fid. Please keep us posted. Good luck.

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It's so nice to see a post from you. Really nice to hear you smiling like that! It would be pretty terrific if something that wonderful came out of all of this. I don't want to wish any ill will on her owners. But I have to admit that I'm kind of hoping it's kismet & you have found another fid. Please keep us posted. Good luck.


Well I haven't really felt like coming on & talking about greys this last few months & wasn't quite sure how I was going to feel seeing another grey that wasn't Murphy but surprised myself. I actually felt ok & felt as though this little grey could quite happily come home with me. I'm sure you know what I mean but it felt like I formed a bond with it even in the small time frame I was there, it felt kinda right. I had said to myself that if Murphy doesn't come back I would like to help another grey when the time was right, didn't expect it to be so soon but if it's meant to be then it's meant to be.

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Found this post & was so excited for you!!!!! I still haven't forgotten you, Paul, and still praying you will find Murphy....

With you not having him; it has made me thankful & appreciative that i have Roscoe to love. We both know your heart is big enough for 2 greys.... even if Murphy does find his way back. Just maybe this little one needs u & it's fate.



Some things are meant to be... I rescued, Roscoe, (already had 3 others).... & ironically my beloved one died just one & a half months later ... Heartbroken, I felt Roscoe had come to me to fill my void. He was a screaming, biting, growling soul who hadn't been loved in years & it was my mission to show him unconditional love . I found this forum & read everything I could, being new to greys.

We are taking small steps together & maybe, just maybe, the little one you visited will begin to fill your void. BEST OF LUCK & CONTINUING PRAYERS OUT TO YOU !!!

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This is such good news! Makes you wonder if it could be from the same breeder ( purple band ) or even possibly a clutch mate of Murphys???? Wouldn't that be something! If it is mean't to be, this little grey will become a part of your life. I sure hope it does! :)

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When we lost our first baby, it was unthinkable to get another. A few months later, I heard his brother over the phone and knew he needed us as much as I needed him. Losing a second one was painful beyond words and I thought then, this is it, I can't do it again. Then, I heard about Gilbert and once more the tell tale quickening of my pulse and the tug on my emotions was too strong. This lost bird is opening your heart and helping you to recognize that you want to have a grey in your life. You still will have Murphy in your heart forever and there is every possibility someday he will return to you. I saw to follow your instincts and open your home to the joys of a grey. Who better than you to know you are caring and loving an inadvertently lost grey and affirming that Murphy is out there being loved and cared for in your absence. My experience says for you to go for it.

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A Grey could be on the horizon...how wonderful. I have to admit I got a little choked up reading how the meeting went knowing what you have been through. I have had so much hope for Murphy but second to that, I would hope that another Grey would steal your heart. ;) Hopefully it is meant to be.

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It's good to hear from you again Paul. I do hope this works out for you if the previous owner of the Grey does not step forward. I know it would never replace Murphy (Hopefully Murphy will be found and returned), but if it works out, I have no doubt you would both be better off together. :)

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Although I hope this sweet grey is returned to loving parronts, IF this is not the case then Kismet is at work for you Paul and I pray and have my fingers crossed that the void for both of you can be filled with this union. That you both will be able to help each other with love.

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Yeah! I am so glad you connected with another grey. Please contact the family with the found grey every so often to remind them that you still would like to adopt if the original owner cannot be found. Not to be a pest, but to keep you in their minds if a month passes without change. I would hate for you to lose another grey that has stolen your heart. Please keep us posted on any progress.

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Oh wow, you guys are amazing, I didn't expect such a response when I logged on just now & seen all the nice posts. Thanks for all the positive support. :)


I'll be sure to drop them another email or text just to let them know I'm still here, ready to take this little grey in at the drop of a hat should the owners not be found.


They said that another vet was interested so I hope they chose me if the chance arises. They also said their only concern was if the owners popped up in the future & wanted it back, what then? I said that if that ever happened I would give her back as I would hope somebody would do the same for me if I ever found Murphy was with someone who had taken him in.

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One thing I want to add as food for thought........although everyone here seems to be hoping this bird is reunited with it's previous owner, there are times when the bird is better off NOT being returned to it's previous owner. Not all birds are lucky enough to having the loving parents that we are here on this forum. Something to consider....

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I'm new to this forum and your post was one of the first ones I read. I have been wondering over the past couple months how things turned out, because I couldn't remember who was the author of the original post. So sorry to hear that Murphy is still lost, but I am happy to hear that you found a new friend!

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One thing I want to add as food for thought........although everyone here seems to be hoping this bird is reunited with it's previous owner, there are times when the bird is better off NOT being returned to it's previous owner. Not all birds are lucky enough to having the loving parents that we are here on this forum. Something to consider....


So true, you just assume that the owners are just like me, frantic to get Murphy back & would do anything but you just don't know. For all we know they might have been the ones that handed the grey into the vets in the first place or even let it go on purpose. We as loving owners just can't imagine this & only see things from the view point of how we are with our pets & how we feel. It's hard to believe that some people out there really don't care about the welfare of their pets.


This little grey though is in good condition, trusting & seems a happy little soul, nails are a little overgrown but so were Murphy's until I got the right perch. I would think that if a grey had come from bad owners then it would likely have many issues & no trust at all.

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Everyone has pretty much said it all already, so if I sound like a mimic then please forgive me: I do still think of you and your Murphy, I honestly do, and I hope that wherever he is Murphy's okay and well, even if he's not safe at home with you like he should be; and I do still hope that you both will be reunited someday. Even so, I am so glad to hear of this connection you made with this little Grey, who knows yet what the future will bring? But I think it shows hope for you both, that you can find happiness and trust together again in another Grey-human relationship. If it can be so, I hope that you both can have that relationship fulfilled together.

Edited by MarcusCAG
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I'm itching to contact the lady who has the grey but don't want to be a pest. They know that I have offered my home to the little sweetie, I made sure they knew each & every time I spoke to them. I want to go visit them again just to say hi to the little grey, I'll probably give them a shout in about a week just to let them know I'm still interested, that should be about three weeks then.

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OK, well I've had some news on this little grey. The lady who has her has called me just now to say that she would be happy for me to have the little sweetie. She has thought long & hard about it & feels I would be the best match for this little grey. She did have a lady call here today to say it might be hers but didn't know the ring number or anything, she tried calling her back to see if she had the info but no answer. She now feels it's time for her to come to me. :)


The only thing is she feels like there should be some type of record of me taking her as it will be just between us as far as I know. Is there any legal issues here in the UK that we need to be aware of as she doesn't actually own the bird, only looking after it because it was a found bird etc?


I said that maybe she could get some sort of document drafted & we both sign it but what it would say I don't know.


I've got to say, I'm well happy. I'll feel even happier when I get her here with me.

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Have either you or the lady who now is caring for the grey contacted the local authorities in your country about the correct procedures? That's what I would do if I was in this kind of situation. I hope all works out for you and this sweet grey. Fingers crossed for a quick and happy resolution.

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Have either you or the lady who now is caring for the grey contacted the local authorities in your country about the correct procedures? That's what I would do if I was in this kind of situation. I hope all works out for you and this sweet grey. Fingers crossed for a quick and happy resolution.


Well I believe she is a vet where the bird was taken too but never really been in this position before. Not quite sure what authorities you would contact though to be honest, she just mentioned the she needed to legally keep the grey for 4 weeks before she could re-home.

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Well I'm not going to get too excited just yet, not until I have her here with me.


I have been doing some research on the legality of lost birds/pets etc & it seem in the UK they are subject to the 28 days rule. If nobody has come forward in 28 days, providing the finder does their utmost to find the owner then they legally pass on to the finder after 28 days, who then becomes the legal owner. At which time they can then legally sell/foster or re-home the bird with whoever they see fit, in this case me. :)


A few more days to go yet, so we shall see what happens.

Edited by reggieroo
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