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heres the new sig

Codys Mom

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Lovely signature. I am going to have to go through some photos and make my own some day. I love that the way your husband arranged the photos on the perch, Cody looks like he is leaning away from Rocky in his wet look. That is pretty much what Gilbert will actually do if anyone comes close to him, lean waaaayyy the other direction. Cute flock you have.

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the perch he is used is the one on top of Peanuts cage he has a playtop , but he had a hard time getting everyone on there and getting them to be still he had to add Rocky and Echo , Echo hates all birds lol but he loves humans and Cody and Rocky are not the best of friends at least not now , Opey and Cody get along good and Opey and Peanut get along good

hubby doesn't mind all the birds infact he was the one that wanted a IRN but when we went to see Rocky at the breeders he couldn't resist haveing a amazon we both was in awwwwwwwww with him and still are

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