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An update on my greys:


Ana Grey (TAG) is now 3 years old and is as ornery as ever. The one nice thing is that she has stopped trying to dismember Sterling Gris my 7 month of CAG. Perhaps she has finally figured it out... that Sterling is not going anywhere and she will have to learn to live with him. Even my zon, Louie, has given up on trying to make Sterling disappear. Hooray!


So here are new pictures of my two greys: Little Ana Grey and Macho Man Sterling Gris"





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LOVE the new pics !!!! Glad to hear they are starting to get along....

Your baby boy looks sooo big next to Ana Grey.



A few days ago I watched your vid on Louie.. He's a real wild man on the boing!!! He really attacks his bell...

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It's strange, the mind of a grey. When I first brought Sterling home he still ate formula in the evening for about a week. Ana Grey would sit on my shoulder and watch me give him ihs formula which was basicaly hold the spoon and let Sterling gobble it up! He didn't really eat too much as he was eating "real food" already. Ana Grey would calming sit on my shoulder and when Sterling was "full" she would eat a few nibbles of formula. She never attacked him or anything. Such a good mommy she was. She and Louie would both attack Sterling when he was in the office. But when Ana Grey more or less stopped so did Louie. I believe Louie sees Ana Grey as the "boss" He goes nicely into his cage if Ana Grey is already in hers. She is the leader and he is a good solider and follows his "general". Now Sterling is the biggest but he is just a sweet "country boy" who calming goes where I put him. He will protect his "territory" if Ana Grey or Louie try to take it. As I have said before for some reason they have never fought in the bird room. It is neutral territory and all three mind their Ps and Qs. Sterling is the largest and he weighs in at 505 grams. Ana Grey is a mere 300 grams. She flies like a sonic jet and Sterling is a lumbering helicopter but when he gets his new flight feathers.... look out Ana Grey and Louie!

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