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Closed ear.


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So, I was scratching Tule's head and happened to notice that his right ear looked strange (he has a little gap because he's molting). So I looked closer, and it looks like the "ear hole" is closed. It looks normal except instead of a hole like on his left side, he has a little line of red like maybe a scab.


Tule ran into some trouble with Leonard the Ferret a few days ago. Originally I thought he was fine, he just lost a couple feathers but was acting fine and when I checked him out he didn't have any wounds. I would like to take a picture of it, but Tule isn't very interested in me getting close to him with the camera.


There's no swelling, red skin, pus, or anything else that would indicate to me that there is any kind of infection. Tule has been itching his head a lot, but he has for about a week since he's got a bunch of new feathers coming in on his head/neck. He's on the table beside me vigorously trying to get the keys off my laptop right now.



I'm going to schedule a vet appointment for early next week, because I don't feel like it's an emergency. I don't know how this could be related to the incident with Leonard, but that's the only thing that's happened recently. I also don't know if it's some "natural" occurrence.


Would really appreciate any sage wisdom.

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If the problem is actually from the ferret, there would be irritation an obvious mark especially if he was scratched. There was no blood? If not, the mark will eventually heal but in his situation, (molting, dry area) it's gonna take longer than usual because when a bird molts they srratch intensely, all over the place. More than likely the vet will put a small amount of salve on it and depending upon how irritated it is, he may give you a little ointment to bring home. Usually, it's a problem that's not serious. Parrots scratch themselves all over the place and they do it frequently.

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That's what I'm thinking. I called the vet and have an appointment for tomorrow (Saturday). She says it might be an ear infection, or like you said just an injury. She said it would be best to come in to have a look at him. So I'll update you all when I have the vet's verdict.

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That is odd because my bird has chewed one of the perches on her play gym and loves to scratch her ear on it (just the left ear it always seems). I wonder if my bird has something wrong with her ear too. The vet did look at her ears when we went in Tues night. She said they looked fine, maybe she needs to look in closer. I think I will call my vet this a.m. too and ask. I do have a recheck appt for next Tues but am stressed about Gracie maybe having something serious. Gracie's recent weight loss is whats really worrying me too. I don't think I can wait. Gracie is also molting right now. Please keep us posted and I hope Tule is OK.

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So, after a loud trip to the vet, she believes it is from his battle with Leonard the Ferret. She gave me some general hospital antiseptic to clean the area of his ear and the head where he lost some feathers. She then told me about a cockatoo she had seen once who was attacked by a ferret and had the skin on the back of her head ripped off and it was hanging like an inside-out glove. She had to sew it all back. Luckily Leonard is way too dumb, and Tule way too feisty, for much to happen. Either way, stricter precautions will be taken.


Val, I hope things turn out well for you and your birds. Get that ear checked out just in case.

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