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Do people ever think you're silly....?

Cheshire Cat

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For loving your bird too much? I absolutely adore Tui and I do tend to talk about her a lot around my family and friends. I've seen people at work roll their eyes and my one colleague actually makes fun of me. Do any of you ever have this? I'm just curious. I've even seen people look at me strangely because I have Tui's name tattooed on my wrist.


I don't have children so Tui is like my child, so what's the difference really? I know people who sit and talk about their children all day and no one says anything to them, but if you talk about a pet, people laugh at you.

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Living with a Grey as a companion is such a wonderful experience I could care less what other people think. I am sure I have bored people to distraction with stories of Greydom and I apologize to them but I also feel sorry for them because they are missing out.


Steve n Misty

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Maybe this is a proclamation to the world or perhaps simply to the self. A diary? An editorial? Will it be read by the masses or will we just discard it as so much rubbish? Perhaps another tortured soul will be able to comprehend the discourse or maybe someone with an inkling of understanding will come and rescue the world from ignorance. In any event, I am sure that it is in the writing of this that we are to locate the time frame of the germs. A glacial palace is on the horizon. To view the outside world through a minute pane of Plexiglas is necessary. Peer to the inside through the stained glass window of the soul. The distortion of either is variable.

Our expulsion from paradise appears to have been a capital sentence. Maybe we are the ones who have failed the main path towards enlightenment and they are jaded with malice and forthought.

The white noise of the mind is all but deafening. Rambling, changing, screaming. Constantly changing the burden of the pulse. Stop!! No peace, changing, changing, screaming, ranting . . . Please stop!!!

Edited by Dave007
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PThe fact that people would call into question, or snicker at, your desire to treat a Parrot with the respect and love you would give to your own child...missing that effort...is one of mankinds greatest problems.

Edited by Elvenking
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I think a lot of people also still see a huge division between animals and humans, and to some people loving an animal like a human is ridiculous. Sometimes I do pity the people who've mocked me because they'll never enjoy the experience that all of us here share, and that's opening our hearts, homes and lives to a Grey. It was just a question I thought I'd present to everyone here as I wasn't sure if I was the only one who had come across the small mindedness of other people.


I compared Tui to a child because parents would do anything for their children and talk about them for hours on end, and I'm just like that with Tui. She's never far from the conversations. ;)

Edited by Cheshire Cat
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Indeed I have. The trick is to turn it into a printers block :-)



Steve n Misty


Hmmm, food for thought. Our thought processes are definitely in tune concerning the general mindset of the masses that exist in the surroundings of our ideals.

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I don't find so much that people think I'm nuts, it's more having trouble of finding someone to talk to that understands. I love to talk about my grey and I can tell that the pour soul I am talking to really could care less!


I know that feeling all too well. I don't know anyone else around here who has a grey so everyone I speak to probably don't care and I wind up bending their ear. Lol.

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Been in the blocked rut for a year now... but who cares, the masses will never read it, just the next loving soul that will have the honor of caring for Dayo when we are too old or dead...but so is the way of all creation... a dust paricle in the end...

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I know I have been thought of as being a little "touched" all my life because I have a deep love & respect for all animals. I have been called the "crazy dog lady" many times, because you may see me with a car load of dogs out for a ride- because the dogs enjoy it! :) My life basically revolves around the care & comfort of my animals, I even treat my cattle with tenderness & respect which some people really scoff at, but others remark at how quiet & easy to handle they are.

I know people don't "get it", I can see in their eyes that they think I must be warped because I love my animals so much. I too, don't have may people to talk with about my wonderful pets & all the amazing things Biscotti does, that is another reason this forum is so great! We all "get it" here!

When I got Biscotti it was because I had wanted a grey for a long, long time & I knew at this point in my life I would have the time to devote to giving him the best life I possibly could. Also knowing that he would probably have a very long life span, I wouldn't have that terrible pain & loss that you get after about a decade with each and every dog you bring into your life.

But, as Dan touched on- there is possibility that Biscotti could out live me and that thought scares me to death. Even so, I would not trade the time I have with Biscotti for anything! And if people don't like hearing about him, too bad for them. It's nice to reach a point in your life where you really don't care what other people think! :)

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I've always had animals around me; practically since I was a baby, we've always had pets from rabbits to gerbils, to hamsters to fish to dogs to cats. You name it, we've had or have it! I've always held a deep respect and love for animals, and that was why in my teens all I wanted was to become a Vet. The only reason I didn't go in for it was because it meant moving away from home for 6 years to study and to be honest, my grades weren't high enough. I'm 24 and still keep gerbils and rats alongside Tui. We're actually taking on my sister's turtle soon as she's got to re-home him. That will be very interesting! Haha.


I look at Tui sometimes when she sits on my shoulder or even if she's just playing with her toys, and I know I'd do anything for her. And people who don't keep animals, don't know anything of that bond or love and it's very sad that they can't experience it. The one co-worker I mentioned in my original post who teases me over Tui doesn't keep animals herself - none whatsoever. She also, to be fair, doesn't seem to hold the respect and love needed to care for an animal. But that's just my opinion. I know I shouldn't care what people think of me, but it just annoys me that people judge you as being strange because you hold so much love for something that isn't a human being. I hold a deep love for a bird, not a person, and people find that amazingly strange because they haven't experienced it. I hope one day they can find something like that.

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Been in the blocked rut for a year now... but who cares, the masses will never read it, just the next loving soul that will have the honor of caring for Dayo when we are too old or dead...but so is the way of all creation... a dust paricle in the end...


There seem to be a few people on this forum who are writing books. I'm intrigued. What are they about, peeps? I'm trying to write my own fantasy novel...but I doubt it will ever amount to much. My mind is always going from one thing to another and can rarely cope with one thing for a prolonged period of time. Lol. ;)

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When it comes to my birds people don`t think I`m silly, They think I`m nuts and you know what, I don`t care.

All my parrots mean the world to me !!


And you know what, Ray? Your parrots SHOULD mean the world to you - it's their loss. In my last post I said how people don't experience that kind of love and it's a shame.

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There seem to be a few people on this forum who are writing books. I'm intrigued. What are they about, peeps?


I am writing a book about Dayo, from his perspective.


Heres a snippet:


Dayo - My life in a Human world, as a Congo African Grey Parrot



My name is Dayo. I wanted to share my life to this point. The reason for this, is my Human Parents both will pass on before I will. My future home will need to know my background to understand me and interact with me properly. My Mom and Dad spent years teaching, loving and caring for me. I am a sentient being, intelligent, talkative, comedian, demanding and most importantly fully flighted. I enjoy my freedom most of all.

Now, on to my story.



I am a Parrot species called “Congo African Grey” (CAG) that originates in the Congo Rain Forests area of Africa. We are known to have life spans up to 50 or 60 years in the wild. However, the average in the dangerous and tough life of the wild is around 30 years. It is thought the average is 35 to 40 years in captivity. However with a healthy diet of other than just seeds and nuts enhanced with Pellets, Vegetables, Fruit and plenty of exercising like flight and playing, we are expected to live close to our wild maximum life span in captivity.




At some point in time of the distant past, my Parents were captured and shipped to the United States and a Parrot Breeder purchased them legally over 25 years ago. I do know this was made illegal by the U.S. Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992. The Breederplaced my parents in a small 3 x 3 x 4 cage with a small nest box in it. They lived out the rest of their miserable lives (compared to the wild) in captivity. I do not claim that all Breeders provide this type of living condition, but most do. Also, there are many hundreds if not thousands of breeding pairs that were born in captivity and never knew what it was like to be in the wild; therefore being in the company of Humans and their environment is natural to them.



I was hatched on the 28th of April 2007. The first memories I have, is of feeling the warmth of my mother and father keeping me and the rest of my Clutch toasty warm and safe under them as they would sit and droop their wings down to keep the area enclosed and warm. They also fed us great warm food regurgitated made especially just for us.

Then one day when we were about a week or two old, while my parents were out, I felt a strange warm “Something” pick me up and it also picked up the rest of my clutch!!! The unfortunate part is, our eyes were not yet open when we were taken from the nest, so we do not know what our parents looked like. I guess I and my clutch were lucky; some babies are taken from their parents before they even hatch. However, some Breeders leave the chicks with the parents until 3 weeks of age.



We were then placed in a plastic container with material on the bottom and placed in a warm box with added humidity, it was called a Brooder. It was really a rather small place, but so is a nest of a wild African Grey Pair, which normally sets up home in the hole of a tree. I never felt the nice warm underbelly of my parents again and miss the gentle nuzzles, feeding and pampering by my parents. But, the things handling me and the clutch are gentle, but their hands are a little cold compared to the warm bodies of our parents.

...........................End snippet>>>>>>

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I think some people thought I was crazy when I went all out looking for Murphy, asking every soul that I could find "have you seen a grey parrot" Some of the looks I got! I found myself explaining how much he meant to me because you could tell they just didn't understand. At that point I realised people didn't have the first clue how much our fids/pets mean to us, especially after some of the sarcastic remarks I got! I must admit though most people were very helpful & did seem to understand how much it meant to me to find him.

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First, I never have cared too much about flying w/the flock. I like the view from where I've been just fine. So I don't really think that's a bad thing.


Second, I think that's one way to tell who my friends really are, or might be. They don't have to share my passion, exactly. But if they have some genuine interest in the animals that I love so much, they get to share some of my enjoyment as well.


I also have to admit that I'm kind of stunned by how many people have never had any kind of exposure to any pet birds let alone parrots. Especially since I grew up around so many different kinds, it took a long time for it to sink in that they just can't relate.


I can honestly say that I haven't met anyone who hasn't come around at least a little after spending some time w/my fids, though. Phenix generally tends to shock & intrigue them. Kura just melts their hearts. And Charm is an endless source of fun & amusement.


So, it kind of gives me the warm fuzzies to be able to convert the eye rollers whenever possible. And the rest of them just don't know what they're missing & don't realize it's their own fault. So, I just don't listen to them either.

Edited by birdhouse
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