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Introducing Gracie!


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Hi everyone. Well at very long last I got to meet my new baby Gracie yesterday. I took my camera to capture the moment, but my camera was dead, so I am going again today and will post some pics a bit later today.


Gracie is 9 weeks old.


She was a bit nervous at first. She was shaking like she had a chill. The breeder stroked her while I spoke gently to her. I told who I was and that her name was Gracie. She looked right at me and seemed to be listening to the rythyms and tone of my voice even if she didn't know what I meant.


After a few minutes she stepped on to my hand and gripped my fingers tightly with her little talon/feet.


My heart just melted. I feel kind of silly, but for those few minutes of contact I was really in heaven.

I still have to wait another 8 or 9 weeks to bring her home. I am counting the days.


Anyway, when I get back in a few hours I will post Gracie pics!

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If you can still smile while you are being pooped upon, you are truly going to be a parrot lover. Gracie is beautiful and the way you hold her up close to you and help her be secure is touching. I am so happy that you are enjoying this special time of bonding and you certainly look delighted with her. It is a long long wait to bring home a baby, but it is so worth the time your breeder spends getting her ready to be independent and ready for your home. Thanks for sharing your photos and your new baby.

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