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Tikki has a new thing???


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So my Tikki is doing this thing where she will grab my fingers, rub her head, bite me, and moves around like she is choking and sounds like she is panting. this is the second time she has done this. i want to laugh about it but is this something serious? when she grabs my finger she will not let go until she is done. her grip is so strong that it really hurts. thats the only time she grips that hard.

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That sounds a lot like love gestures. Does the "choking" look like head pumping and lead to regurgitating? Gilbert will droop his wings and make the panting and little squeaky noises. Usually what I do to cool his ardor is to say, "I love you honey, but not like that." I put him back into his cage to cool his jets while I give him something to distract him from his mission. Also, if you scratch her head and have time up close, sometimes it is stimulating to the parrot if you touch them below the neck and that may lead to frustration and mixed signals.

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Shouldn't encourage this behavior. Your bird will eventually get frustrated and bite REALLY hard! You are not a mate, you are a caretaker, and that must be really clear. Whenever your bird displays this behavior you must not take part - just walk away until the bird has settled down. Sexuality is a given, how you respond is your responsibility as a good grey owner.

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