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Isaac Update - Talking


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So it looks like my boy is currently focusing on words and short phrases now. He has said things in the past, but mostly it's the rare occasion. The last few days, he has been saying what he knows a lot. I praise him lavishly when he does, and he seems to feed off the excitement. He says, "Hey boyee", "Little Boy", "Peek-a-boo", "Uh-oh", "Booohhhyyeee"(when I get cross with him...I will kind of say boyee a different way and he copies that too), and of course...."Hello". He also calls my daughter by my pet name for her...which is 'growl'. He does it perfectly...it's cute and my daughter loves it. He also appears to be paying closer attention when I am saying things directly to him. I think my little friend may be dazling me more yet.


One thing he does that I love, is when I give him kisses on his back...he will either purr like a cat, or he will say "Whhooooooo"...like 'ohh that's nice'. Super endearing. He's also doing laser noises, bubbles popping, water gurgling....too many to list but those are some of the newer ones.


What a fantastic joy to have in my life. It never changes....I look forward to coming home every day, and I am just as happy to see my boy as the first day I came home to him. I stay home so much more lately, and I enjoy it a ton. Afternoons with my grey are something I look forward too. So I tend to spend a Saturday or a Sunday just hanging out and letting him fly all day long. I love when they get going with their sounds and words. Issac will sit there sometimes with droopy eyes, totally relaxed...kicking out imitations of everything he has heard and said to date. Love it!


On a side note. I watched this movie the other day that I would recommend to the community. "The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill". It's a great story about how a homeless man befriended a flock of Red Crown Conures and developed a relationship with them all and knew all about the flocks relations. Great movie. Grab a box of tissues. ;)


Well that is all I have for now, but I am glad to see that Isaac has taken an interest in saying some words...it's a big step for my lil guy..and I am proud of him :)

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It's wonderful to hear that Issac is starting to communicate more and more in human speech with you.


Thanks for the update, I always look forward to them. :)


Yep...I get so excited when I hear him get all chatty. He is just so awesome! Thanks for reading about my little guy.

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It's exciting to hear Isaac's developing a vocabulary. I'm very curious to hear how this progresses. You two have such a tight bond & I'm thinking it's going to to be very interesting to find out how he learns to communicate w/you vocally. Can't wait to hear him start start speaking to you in context. lol

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