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Odd behaviour


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I am "bird sitting" my parents birds for a few months (perhaps longer) and have noticed what I believe to be odd behaviour in her Pigmy African Grey. She gets out of her cage and then puts her wings away from her body and down and makes odd little grunting noises. She sticks her tongue out of her beak through the sides. I'm not sure what she wants... but as soon as we leave the room she stops. It's really quite cute but I feel like she wants or needs something. Is she trying to be affectionate? Does she want to be scratched? Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated! Thanks!

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How old is she? Could be wanting attention my amazon well squat down and throw out his wings to be picked up.

Not sure about the tongue thing though. lol

Or if she is young she may need feed.

BTW what the heck is a pigmy african grey? Another word for a timnah maybe? Don't think there is any such thing.

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I was thinking that was what it might be!! I don't know anything about greys though =( We have an Indian Ringneck and some Love birds. She usually doesn't step up when we put our hand in her cage; we have to wait until she is out and eye level before she steps up. However, lately she has been stepping up while still in her cage. After she is out, she starts moving up and down my or my boyfriend's arm and puts her wings down and away from her body. Then she starts making the most adorable grunting noises. She wants to be scratched and wants to put her beak and tongue against our fingers or forearm skin. She seems desperate for something but she doesn't stay still very long to get scratched because she paces while doing this. She has also only exhibited this behaviour with me once. She's very partial to my boyfriend!

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:blush: Oh, perhaps I have the wrong name (pygmy). I know she is smaller than a normal African Grey. Her red tail feathers are also not as bright and are not really visible. However, I don't know if that has anything to do with her particular breed. Like I said, I know nothing about Greys.:(

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Ah, that is prime breeding age! It sounds like she is interested in making your boyfriend her Mate!! :-)


She sounds like a Timneh which has more of a maroon tail, not red and also their beak is not solid black like a Congo and has some bone coloring it.


Thanks for the information.

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My sun conure would crouch down with his wings out and vibrate them when he wanted to be picked up or let out of his cage. As for the tongue thing my grey will do that with his too. I think it may just be something he likes to. Does the grunting sound kind of like a wheeze? Mine does that kind of a noise when he's really having a good time playing with me.

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