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Afraid To Leave My Bird Too Long


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So here is the case, and I remember reading (or talking) a little about this. Isaac only poops in his cage on very rare occasions. I mean...I have seen it probably 10 times in his life. So above having him getting his proper out-of-cage time and getting fed by another person....I am scared to be away for say...one night....due to the fact that I am afraid he will hold his poop for too long. Is this a valid fear? If I do have someone come watch him, I wouldn't have to make them let him out of the cage, they could refresh his food and water bowls and just hang out with him for a bit. But I want to be sure he doesn't hurt himself holding his poop. Thoughts please? :)

Edited by Elvenking
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When mother nature calls she speaks loud and clear so I don`t think you should worry. You said he has gone in his cage so he will go again.

What Corky did 3years ago is the wife was in the hospital for three days and when she came home Corky would have nothing to do with her for three days.

It upset the wife but after three days Corky felt the wife had paid the price for being gone and things were back to normal.

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Is there any way that you can try an extended period before you have to leave him? Say go out for a long time during the day and see what happens.


I am gone anywhere from 8-10 hours during the weekdays...he has gone up to 12 hours....and I have seen him on a few occasions...actually poop in his cage...so I don't think he thinks he is going to let it get to a point where he hurts himself. I am just wondering what others have observed if they have seen this behavior in their bird.

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When mother nature calls she speaks loud and clear so I don`t think you should worry. You said he has gone in his cage so he will go again.

What Corky did 3years ago is the wife was in the hospital for three days and when she came home Corky would have nothing to do with her for three days.

It upset the wife but after three days Corky felt the wife had paid the price for being gone and things were back to normal.


Yeah...I am just going on a day trip for the day on Thursday, but I could be back late on a chance. So he may be in there for 12 or more hours. Then I am going to come home and let him race around the house. Also, like you said, he has pooped in the cage before so he will probably do it if needed again.

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I don't think this is a valid worry. If he has to go he will go, it is something that no one, animal or human can control for long! I would be more concerned about him wondering where you are for so long. so make sure Issac knows that you will be back a little later than usual. I am with my parrots all day long so it is unusual for me to be gone for very long. When I am going somewhere for the day or just to the store I always tell them 'I'll be back" so that they will know when I will be missing for awhile. You have a very unique relationship with Issac so just talk to him and tell him what is going on.

Edited by luvparrots
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I don't think this is a valid worry. If he has to go he will go, it is something that no one, animal or human can control for long! I would be more concerned about him wondering where you are for so long. so make sure Issac knows that you will be back a little later than usual. I am with my parrots all day long so it is unusual for me to be gone for very long. When I am going somewhere for the day or just to the storem I always tell them 'I'll be back" so that they will know when I will be missing for awhile. You have a very unique relationship with Issac so just talk to him and tell him what is going on.


Well...I am not going to be gone so long that I think it's going to trigger too much of a reaction yet. Maybe a future event. For now it's just an extended day, anywhere from 10-13 hours away. He is used to the 8-10 hour day. But I always talk to my baby about what I am doing. I am going to be sure that he has good toys and probably leave some movies queued up on the computer for him to watch. If I ever have to go away for a whole day...I think I will cry. LOL. I think for my little guy soooo much. We are totally a little team. Love him!

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Like luvparrots said, I think if you just explain to Isaac the situation, he will be better equipped to make his own birdie decisions about how he will act/feel while you are away for an extended period. My husband is generally gone most of the day, and I am usually at home for the better portion of the day--but sometimes we both have to go out together for longer periods at a time. We just tell Marcus what's up--and he actually seems to act a bit suspicious anymore when he sees us get into our "routine" (packing food, me getting up earlier, etc.) so it's not like it's unfamiliar to him (or the other boys) at this point. They don't at all like it but they know what to expect now. Although, again, these are comparatively rare instances. And sometimes we get the cold shoulder when we get back! But even though it makes Marcus unsettled, I think, to realize that I'll be gone for a while, too, during such times--I think he is reassured in some respects when I take the time to spell it all out for him, "but we'll be back LATE" or whatever. Now, sometimes when I open my closet he'll ask me something about "Going to work", which is what he knows my husband does. So I figure he associates "going to work" with being out of the house for a looong time during the day. As long as we do come back, although our fids may resent the absence, I don't believe trust will be broken.

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I have to say that this was a tough one for me because even as I responded to the post originally, I had been gone from home since September 28th. We just got home today so I was a bit apprehensive. Egan is only 4 months old so he isn't as established in my house as Issac is in yours but I was still very nervous about his reaction to my being gone for over a week. He was VERY happy to see me and the first thing he wanted to do was get a bath/shower. Phew! I'm hoping the next time that I have to be gone so long I can take him with me.

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I believe it is helpful to help your bird become more resilient if your routine is not so regular. If you leave once in awhile for longer periods of time, AND come back he will realize that you come back. If you don't introduce change now your bird will become intolerant of change, and could become neurotic.

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