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Que is not a normal grey or so it seems


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I never thought much of it. She is a closet talker but I rarely hear her talk. She can go months without a word.

She also rarely plays with her toys. Other then chewing off the rope I keep putting on her jolly ball.

She also rarely gets excited or makes parrot noise.

My amazon also does not make a lot of sounds.

I really have not thought that much about it. I just figured I got lucky and got quite birds. Even my two quakers rarely get loud.

So what I guess Im asking is does any one else have quite birds?

They seem happy enough no plucking or any bad habits for the most part.

But I have started to worry this past year. The more I read these forums and others Im on about how their bird screams for this or screams cause of that it makes me wonder if something is wrong with mine?

Everyone talks about how their birds have personality mine just don't seem to have much.

I'm home almost all day but I rarely have on the TV or radio just never liked them on. Would that make any difference?

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Guest briansmum

i wouldn't worry tari, you probably are blessed with quiet birds, they don't pluck and you're obviously a wonderful mum to them. if your house is generally quiet then i guess your birds will be too, whereas if you take my house for example, i often have people in and theres always music or telly on, and i'm a bit of a nutter and walk about singing and dancing, i think this reflects in brian.

you could try having the tv on more or something, but honestly i dont think theres a problem :)

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The only difference I can think of, is you are a Breeder and you also maintain several "Personal" Parrots of every type.


I don't know, but it may be they all keep each other entertained??


Thats the only obvious difference, since you always post regarding all your other parrots etc.


Any one else with "Several Parrots that notice this difference?


I do know Kim and I spend every hour were home and awake either talking to Dayo while he's in the Cage, Playing with him or carrying him around on our shoulders.


We treat him like one of our children I guess you could say. :-)

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I don't either, Tari, you are just lucky to have quiet birds, and if your house is mostly quiet then your birds are going to be on the quieter side too. I have heard that the louder the noises and such in a house are the louder the birds are.


Just count your blessings that yours do not scream and you are not a nutter like Beccy, ha ha.

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I have 12 parrots in the house right now. Three are hands on pets. Three are babies not weaned yet and the rest are hands off pets.

The ones in the bed room 2 budgies and the plet are rather chatty/noise.

But the ones in the front are rather quite birds.

The quaker babies are a different story all together. Begging and whining at the site of me. lol<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/09/12 02:37

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Do you take those birds outside for some fresh air, and just looking around. I take mine out early morning and just before dark to see and listen to the wild birds in the area. At first they did not like it, but now they cant wait to go out.


Try it,




JUDY IS GETTING TESTIEEEEEEEEEEEEE<br><br>Post edited by: nevjoe, at: 2007/09/12 03:14

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I use too but I dont have a travel cage at this time and I well not take them out unless in a cage or on a leash.

I can not leash any but Topaz. I do however have a full spectrim light by their cage maybe it needs replaced?

Don't think I have gotten a new one this year.

Maybe I can talk my husband into taking the cages outside this weekend for a while.

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I do think it has to do with the volume of the house. If I am sitting quietly then the dogs and bird are usually quiet. If we have a loud movie going or if the dogs are playing and barking then Pryde usually joins in and starts trying to talk or whistle. She is making kissing noises now and the back half of the wolf whistle, but is only when the house is noisy. She also likes to practice noises in the car. Again I think it is due to the radio being on.

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My birds are always out with me. I take them to all stores except food stores. I always take them to the park and put them in small trees. I do keep a net with me, but I never use it. I cut their wings every other Sunday. Bye the way only one at a time in the stores. I take them to ALL family homes on my sholders.


Maybe I don't know any better.



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I think you are playing with fire, Joe, what happens one day when something startles them and they fly up into a tree and you can't reach them or get them in your net, then what? Personally I wouldn't want to take that chance, even with clipped wings. How many times have we said here that frightened clipped birds can fly enough to get away from you.

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Seen a hawk just two weeks ago on the powerline over looking my outside bird feeder.

And even clipped birds can fly a long ways. Knew a lady that let her macaw sit out on a swing she had hanging from a big tree. I asked her about it and her replay was "Its wings are clipped" Next time I went it was in a big cage under that tree.

I asked her what happened and she said her clipper bird flew five miles away.

She was very lucky to get it back.

This was before I ever got my first quaker 11 years ago.

Just ordered this http://www.windycityparrot.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=19301101003&Category_Code=cagestravel&Product_Count=4 So I can take my Joey (amazon) and Que (TAG) outside. Not at the same time. lol<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/09/12 04:11

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Guest briansmum

thats practicly the same as mine cept mine has the door on the other side, i love it. it's well put together and a decent size i take brian to my mums in it, they have a dog so he cant be out all the time but he sits happily in the travel cage, theres enough room for a good toy and for him to climb about a bit.


he did figure out how to open the door though but that was easily solved with one of the screw clips that coes with most toys


and just to go back to the nutter comment, yes i did csay it about myself so judy can call me it all she wants ;) but what i meant by it was, i just don't like the quiet, so if there's nothing on i make my own entertainment, at least now i have brian to sing along with me :P

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xxbeccyxx wrote:

and just to go back to the nutter comment, yes i did csay it about myself so judy can call me it all she wants ;) but what i meant by it was, i just don't like the quiet, so if there's nothing on i make my own entertainment, at least now i have brian to sing along with me :P


Thanks Beccy but I won't call you that anymore, Dan thought he had gotten one over on me, but I am too smart for that.


Some people don't like it quiet and that is you, I usually have a TV or radio on when I am home alone, like I am now for a week, hubby in Germany, wonder if they would like to keep him.:P

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Let me defend myself for a moment. When the birds are out in the morning and evening they are in a cage. As for the park, I feel that I need them to feel like a real bird for a little while. The tree I use is about 8 –9 feet high and at least 100 feet from any other tree. Maybe I’m wrong but I feel they have to be cool for a while. My son Mario has 3 big dogs and they have a large yard fenced in. I take them (one by one) to a doggie park so they can run wild for a bit.





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