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adopting or buying a breeder bird as a pet?

joshua james

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i went to a bird auction yesterday in dayton ohio.it was cool in some ways and weird in others.they auctioned off several breeder pairs of birds.i have heard so many people call breeder birds,dirty breeder birds.i have heard it enough that im guessing its common that bird folks call birds that are kept for breeding ..dirty breeder birds. can a bird that has been kept for breeding for some time be kept as a pet or turned into a pet bird. im sure that there are people that have pet birds that at some point in time breed. birds that have been cought in the wild have been made into good pets and im sure some of them bred on a regular basis while they were in the wild.i wouldent ever buy birds to breed but some of the nicest looking birds at the auction were breeders. im thinking at some point in time the birds decide to stop breeding or just get to old to breed or one of them for some reason or another cant breed. can they just become sombodys pet now? are there certain types of bird that can be turned into pets and others that cant?

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i went to a bird auction yesterday in dayton ohio.it was cool in some ways and weird in others.they auctioned off several breeder pairs of birds.i have heard so many people call breeder birds,dirty breeder birds.i have heard it enough that im guessing its common that bird folks call birds that are kept for breeding ..can a bird that has been kept for breeding for some time be kept as a pet or turned into a pet bird. im sure that there are people that have pet birds that at some point in time breed.. can a bird that has been kept for breeding for some time be kept as a pet or turned into a pet bird. im sure that there are people that have pet birds that at some point in time breed. birds that have been cought in the wild have been made into good pets and im sure some of them bred on a regular basis while they were in the wild.i wouldent ever buy birds to breed but some of the nicest looking birds at the auction were breeders. im thinking at some point in time the birds decide to stop breeding or just get to old to breed or one of them for some reason or another cant breed. can they just become sombodys pet now? are there certain types of bird that can be turned into pets and others that cant?



You're getting a lot of mixed up information. Most people who own pet birds don't try to turn those birds into breeders simply because a pet bird/birds have formed attachments ( bonding) with their human owners and bonding with a another bird is extremely difficult as well as being cruel. Breeder birds have no attachments to people. They've only bonded with each other and human bonding is extremely difficult.

****can a bird that has been kept for breeding for some time be kept as a pet or turned into a pet bird. im sure that there are people that have pet birds that at some point in time breed.****

This question has already been answered above. I'll repeat--no they can't be made into pet birds.

*Dirty breeder birds*-----I haven't the slihtest idea what you're talking about.Birds that are breeders aren't dirty birds.

I have 3 pairs of grey breeders and all are excellent birds that've been together and deeply bonded for ages. I have 3 pet greys and the breeder birds and my pet birds don't mix together. My pet greys are bonded to me and my breeders are bonded to each other. My breeders have never bonded with humans.

**are there certain types of bird that can be turned into pets and others that cant?**

Rarely. Not cuddly pet birds

People who are selling pairs of breeders don't need to supply info about how successful the pairs were in the past. Most of the time, that's why they're being sold/authioned.


****i have heard so many people call breeder birds,dirty breeder birds***

I don't know what kind of people you're hearing this type of information from. You said that you've heard this plenty of times so I'll assume that the people you're hearing it from are simply shit heads.

Bird boards rarely say these things about breeders. You're the first to come out with the description ****dirty birds*** and I've been to many, many boards.

Many birds that are auctioned at bird fairs usually have health issues which the owners won't tll you about and they don't need to tell you about.

***im thinking at some point in time the birds decide to stop breeding or just get to old to breed or one of them for some reason or another cant breed.****

They simply stop breeding because they're too old or a vet says they aren't capable anymore. Can they be pets?--They can live in a human environment but any type of close bonding won't happen with people beccause they had bonded with another bird in the past.

PS---a breeder bird that's put in with a pet bird will most likely maim the pet bird.

Another PS---if any person/people ever came into my home and said that my breeders were dirty birds wouldn't be in my house for very long and I'd make very sure that they would be very sorry that they ever said such a thing.

Edited by Dave007
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i got my first and only bird in june.i have been to a few bird conventions.and yesterday was a bird fair-auction.and yes i have heard "dirty breeder birds" on several occasions. kinda why i asked.they dont look dirty. thanks for the answer.i hope more people chime in on the thread. my somewhat of a guess from dirty bird being said was because maybe some people have bought birds at auctions or bird fairs or on craigs list or something as a pet and they use to be a breeder bird. now they are wondering why that dirty lil sob keeps biting the shit out of them lol. im guessing breeder birds are more of a hassel to to handel.i have no plans on breeding birds but it was somthing i was thinking about when i seen a couple of the breeder birds that were auctioned off and i could more less tell they were being bought as pets.i guess good luck to the bird and the buyer.all sales are final.

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