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Klaus keeps track of people


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Has anyone else noticed this with a baby grey?

Klaus is 6 months old.

There are 4 of us in the household, and occasionally (twice a month) my nieces visit. The older niece fusses over Klaus and loves him. The younger niece is in her own little world and barely pays attention to the bird.

I noticed last weekend, we were all hanging out, and my younger niece left the room. Klaus became a little concerned and peep-peep-peeped over it, worried about where she went. I can see him getting concerned if one of his immediate family leaves the room, but a kid who visits occasionally and rarely interacts with him when she's here? I find it sweet, if not a little strange. Have any of you noticed this type of behavior?

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Guest briansmum

hi laurie


i would be pleased if he is showing concern when other family members leave the room, brian only cares when i leave, he couldn't give a monkeys about anyone else LOL

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HI laurie,


Dayo (4mnths) knows who 8 different family members are now from visitations, B-Day parties etc. He does know who his favor visitors are and put out those Peep- Peeps when he See's one of them and openly acknowledges others and will watch them when they go out to the pool area for example from the Patio Sliding Door.


Aren't they amazing? :-)

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