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So this is kind of a needless thread, but I'm interested.


I was making hamburgers earlier for dinner, and as soon as they started really cooking, Tule got visibly and audibly upset. He would call for me instantly if I went out of his line of sight, and was very nervous and kept climbing all over the top of his cage.


Question. Was he upset by the hissing sound, or the smell? They appeared at about the same time. I turned the ceiling fan on to air out the room, and when the second burger was done he gradually became more comfortable. He's now at the back of his cage chatting with the wall, lol.


This is the first time I have cooked meat in the apartment.

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Very interesting! I can't really imagine what about cooking hamburgers might have set Tule off. I've never seen my guys react like that while I was cooking hamburgers or anything else. I wonder if there might have been something else to this or if there was something from Tule's past that could have come into play here?

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One thing I would expect to upset him is my boyfriend came around, and Tule hasn't gotten used to him yet. But the way he was acting wasn't his usual "I don't really like you" behavior, and it continued after he left when he usually goes back to normal pretty quick. As for past experiences, I cant imagine that there was one, I'm Tule's first owner besides his breeder, and he's never been around cooking food before I moved. He doesn't seem to have any problem when I'm cooking anything else, from spaghetti to fried rice (both of which he loves lol). I'm sure I'll be making more hamburgers another time, I'll have to see if he does it again.

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