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Marcus With His Parronts


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Maybe it's the weather cooling off, but Marcus has been pretty feisty these past few days. He's also been very "lovey" and has been more than willing to step-up for us and hang out with us around the house. We've had him about a year already, though, so apparently he's settled into our home very well by now. :)


Here are two pictures from this weekend that show Marcus with both his daddy and his mommy (the pic of me is not the best, but whatever!). In this photo, taken yesterday morning, Marcus is shown hanging out on his daddy's shoulder...




And in this snapshot taken earlier this evening, Marcus and I are having fun in a blanket 'tent' together. He kept giggling as I walked around the house with it over my head to a mirror, and he really seemed to like looking at us together that way; but once we sat down on the couch again and got cozy and this picture was taken, my hubby switched on the video--and Marcus got really feisty! So we had to take down our very tent quickly because I got a little wary of having my ear suddenly 'nibbled' on. :P




Anyway, just wanted to share those! :)

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Marcus is a lucky boy to have one-on-one time with both of you. If we are to that point in a year, I will find it astonishing. Great job with his play time.


Thank you, the tent was kind of an impromptu thing that he seemed to enjoy quite a bit for the time Marcus behaved himself on my shoulder--and you never know, Dee, Gilbert might just surprise you in the end. We never would have thought Marcus would willingly step up for us (well, at least me) regularly in the quasi-near future when we first got him, he came to us with so many issues...


JeffNOK: Yes, Marcus can be quite the character sometimes. He's not as roguish as some Greys I've read of here, but he does have his cheeky moments! ;)


Parrot14: I've been trying to keep on top of Marcus' talons with the nail file as he'll let me as the cement perch seems only to work as advertised in terms of his beak, but he's still learning to be comfortable with that 'game' of ours. So we will probably be making an appointment with the groomer again soon. Thank you for the reminder, though!


And chezron, Ray P, and bmatrow--thank you so much for all of your lovely comments! Marcus is our dear boy, and we love him so. :)

Edited by MarcusCAG
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Saw your pics of Marcus yesterday I you gave me an idea with the "blanket game". Roscoe has just recently started to let me touch the top of his head while he plays his blanket game..... (the thread, Scritches)

He came to me almost 2 yrs. ago w/ ALOT of baggage, and slowly has recently been showing affection only under his blanket. His game is a fleece hoodie he crawls under while I lay on my side on the floor. I drape it over my legs & he walks under it & makes kiss sounds & rubs his head on the fleece.

When I saw your photos, I thought Hey!!! I'll try putting it over my head instead of my legs to get cuddly.... Well, it worked last night!!!! I had another huge breakthru!!! Roscoe acted as though he really desired the love!! I didn't think he knew how to express himself but he melted my heart!!! He cuddled up against my chest & put his head down & i petted the top of his head for 5 minutes... He closed his eyes & just enjoyed himself. I was so elated I just kept whispering AWWW while I gently stroked his head. He buried his face & I could hear him breathing & he layed very still. He came back for 3 or 4 more sessions in the last hour before everyone went to bed. When he finally settled back on his cage door he just sat very heavy eyed & content. Thank you so much for posting your pic as it gave me my first opportunity to really get close for the first time. It was as though he was just waiting for me to show him the right situation & he responded so sweetly !!!

I'm shaking just typing about this. You don't know how long i've waited for those precious moments!!!

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Thank you so much for posting your pic as it gave me my first opportunity to really get close for the first time. It was as though he was just waiting for me to show him the right situation & he responded so sweetly !!!

I'm shaking just typing about this. You don't know how long i've waited for those precious moments!!!


I am so glad you two had such a lovely evening together in your blanket tent, Gwen! A big smile spread across my face when I read your post, it's wonderful news, I am just so happy for the both of you! Those tender moments are just the best, especially when they signify new milestones in our relationships with our beloved Greys. :) :) :)


And I just emailed my husband about what you said, and he wrote back how that was awesome and I should tell Marcus (who is presently above me on his Boing). So I got up and started describing our blanket tent situation, and reminded him how his daddy took our picture, how I put the picture on the computer... and I finished saying that another birdie liked the tent his mommy made over her head because of seeing us together in our tent. While I was talking, Marcus' feathers got all ruffly and he lifted his foot (a sign he is always getting into whatever is being said) and when I was done he looked so happy and said, "Woof! Woof!" Don't ask me where that ever began to mean Yes and I understand! for him, but it generally does when he raises his foot like that anymore and punctuates his 'words' with a light foot stamp or two. So Marcus seemed very happy for the news of your breakthrough, too. :)

Edited by MarcusCAG
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Thanks again!!! Your telling Marcus abt. the tent game & how it gave me my idea brought a smile to my face too !!! Somewhere (maybe my profile page w/ albums) I have pics of Roscoe playing under his blankie. But anyway, until i saw your pic, i never thought of getting under it with him. It breaks my heart to think that last night he was so receptive & until i got cuddly he was probably ready weeks ago when he first started putting his head down for scritches.

Until last night, he had never layed on my chest, put his head between my elbow & chest.. He did eventually crawl up onto my shoulder under the blankie & i've never had him that close to my face!! He was a perfect gentleman !!

Being a rehome, and all the sucker bites I've received (upon which he immediately laughes out loud or says Ouch!) i'm so willing to continue our bond -- I can't wait until this evening to play our new TENT GAME !!

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He was a perfect gentleman !!

Being a rehome, and all the sucker bites I've received (upon which he immediately laughes out loud or says Ouch!) i'm so willing to continue our bond -- I can't wait until this evening to play our new TENT GAME !!


I hope you two had another wonderful evening with the tent game last night. :) Thinking of you both...

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Had to check in this morning looking for a comment !!! Yes, we had a lovely evening & thanks to your idea, Roscoe played under his tent again!! I sincerely hope this is the beginning of his new game ... I have found a brand new aspect of his loving personality!!! I noticed when he first crawls under on the floor he actually puts his head down & digs or scratches with his feet. Have u ever seen that behavior? It's like he's getting the folds of his blankie just right & maybe nesting ?????????????? He's not DNA'ed so i'm not even sure if he's a boy or girl.

Also we have quite a bit in common....I also have a (cinnamon) cockatiel. Is Dahlia a retriever/newfie mix ??? Until a yr. ago, we had a registered Newfoundland named "Fred" (Emmabay's Baron Von Frederick). He lived to the ripe old age of 13... Got him as a pup & he was my "child" after the kids were grown & gone. Fred was the most gentle soul and the smartest dog I ever had.

Give Marcus a kiss for me & tell him Hello from his buddie, Roscoe :))

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Had to check in this morning looking for a comment !!! Yes, we had a lovely evening & thanks to your idea, Roscoe played under his tent again!! I sincerely hope this is the beginning of his new game ... I have found a brand new aspect of his loving personality!!! I noticed when he first crawls under on the floor he actually puts his head down & digs or scratches with his feet. Have u ever seen that behavior? It's like he's getting the folds of his blankie just right & maybe nesting ?????????????? He's not DNA'ed so i'm not even sure if he's a boy or girl.


I personally have never seen Marcus, or any of our other "boys" (because we, too, are only assuming when it comes to our Beaker and our little Bunsen) scratch like that. I do know there have been a couple of threads on the topic in these forums elsewhere, though, if you want to do a Search on them here. But maybe, like you suggested, Roscoe is just making things comfortable for himself in there?


Also we have quite a bit in common....I also have a (cinnamon) cockatiel. Is Dahlia a retriever/newfie mix ??? Until a yr. ago, we had a registered Newfoundland named "Fred" (Emmabay's Baron Von Frederick). He lived to the ripe old age of 13... Got him as a pup & he was my "child" after the kids were grown & gone. Fred was the most gentle soul and the smartest dog I ever had.


Your cockatiel photo in your signature is lovely. :) And yes, Dahlia is supposedly a Newfoundland dog/Golden Retriever mix. We adopted her from a rescue when she was two... supposedly she once had a sister who lived with her and a doting couple, but I don't know what happened for them to give them both up. Dahlia's sister was adopted from the pound immediately, but Dahlia was going to get put down :( when the rescue organization spotted her and realized what a doll she is. I believe she was in foster care for a couple of weeks before we spotted her bio/ad online, and the rest is history... but we were told that her daddy was a Newfie, and her mom was a Golden Retriever. You can see a picture of her with me in the thread "Grey Owner, what do you look like?" a page or so back from where it is in the Grey Lounge right now. She's not at all big for her parentage, only 60 pounds or so, but she definitely has "the look" of a Newfie. Dahlia's getting a little older now, though, but she still is as loving and loyal and mischievous as can be. I don't doubt your dear Fred was as wonderful as you say he was. :)


Give Marcus a kiss for me & tell him Hello from his buddie, Roscoe :))


I will, thank you! And I hope you and Roscoe and everyone else in your 'flock' have a great day!

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Took a peek at your photos......... Great job w/ photobucket !! I haven't tryed it yet. My,My... Tybalt DOES have a beautiful, loooong tail !!!!

My daughter has a lutino cockatiel like Bunsen (how did he get his name?) Her lutino (Chloe) is a loud, demanding, exploring little girl !~~

I'm sure Dahlia has a sweet personality !!! Newfies are known for that.... This is the first time in my life i've been w/o dogs & cats. I miss having them!! After Fred, it was such a heartbreaker loosing him; I can't go thru it again.( I was vet tech for years & now retired wanted the freedom of being able to travel ). Some how, i'm slowly working myself into a homebound situation now that Roscoe is becoming such a "love" & likes to stay on his daily schedule. I hate to even leave him to go to the store... Maybe by next Feb or March I'll be ready for a break (my dau. or my girlfriend will birdsit)



Now i'm convinced Roscoe loves his new tent game !! Last night he put his head in the palm of my hand & i pet the top of his head with my other hand for several minutes under our blankie !!! He walks across the room to me & all I have to do is cover my head & say come here & he practically runs under the blanket to cuddle !!! I think he likes it as much as i do !!!

I think when i rescued Roscoe i was trying to replace a void in my heart for Fred. Being new to Grey's, i had NO IDEA what they were like... Slowly he is coming around like i had hoped for him... A new puppy would have been alot easier !!! LOL Our baby steps together have been so rewarding to both of us & the challenge is worth it all. I love him to death !!

Have a super good day & keep me posted on your flock !!!

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