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Advise on changing cages...


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For a while now, I've been hoping to find Kura a big cage that would fit my space & budget. Looks like I might have finally found one (woo hoo!). Now, I have to figure out what about my cage options for Phenix.


Phenix used maybe half of his giant macaw sized cage. Never could figure out why he'd only live on one side at a time. It was just really bizaar. I've read that TAGs can sometimes be less comfortable in bigger cages. So, when that one croaked, I tried down sizing to his current cage which is about 21” deep x 34” wide x 44”/63” high.


He really does seem very happy & actively uses both sides of this cage, dome to grate. I'm just not sure if he's using 100% of it because he really likes it or because it's actually a little too small for him. That makes me uncomfortable when I think about him in it for the next 10 or 15 years. So I'm thinking about switching him to Kura's old cage which is about 24” deep x 36” wide x 46”/72” high.




Phenix has a very real melt down whenever he gets a new cage. I had this cage fully set up right next to his last one for two months before I moved him. He still sat on his food cup for 15 days after he was in. It was probably another 1-1/2 mo before he started to settle in enough to stop literally jumping at his own shadow.


I really don't want to put him thru that again. I don't know that he'll be happy in the other cage. I don't know that he's not perfectly happy where he is. I'm really worried about him spending years & years in a cage that's too small, though. And I don't know how to tell for sure.


I keep going back & forth & I don't know how to decide. So could anyone who has any thoughts about this please let me know? Thanks, a lot.





Edited by birdhouse
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Thanks, Barbara. I guess part of this is just that this cage has always looked so small after his last one. I've always believed the bigger the better. Phenix seems to be an exception to that rule. But I guess I'd like a concrete way to judge since he's going to be here for a long time.

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My parrots don't spend a lot of time in their cages, mostly sleeping or eating. If I could have an ideal cage for each fid it would probably be 3 feet high and 6 feet or more long. Mine don't spend much time on the floor of the cage or below the main perch for that matter. I had an older ekkie that preferred smaller cages so I can understand that. So let your fid decide which he prefers and then everyone is happy!

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Thanks for that link where I could see all your pets, they are all beautiful. If Phenix is acclimated to this cage and he seems to be comfortable, I think it is plenty big for him, especially since he climbs around on the outside as well. The cage size comparison to Kura's is hard to visualize, but in Phenix's case, bigger may not be better in his view. If it is a matter of being easier for you to clean or a better fit for your room etc., you could give it a try to see if he would accept it. Is it an option to put them side-by-side and connect them with a ladder and move some of his toys gradually over to the new cage just to see if he would get on it on his own? I love that you wonder how to make his life better all the time. You know him best. Maybe he has gotten to have enough security and trust that an attempt to move him to a new cage may not be met with as much trepidation and anxiety as the other times. He is just as cute as can be.

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Thanks, Dee.


Problem is, that melt down I described was from when he moved into his new cage earlier this year. And like I said, the new cage was right there for him to interact w/for months. If that helped, I don't want to think about the alternative.


Kura's cage is about 20% more space. He'd have more room, just not back to gigantic. There are pro's & con's for keeping either cage, purely from my perspective. But it's not about me, of course.


Thanks, Janet.


Most people seem to say their birds don't go to the ground. All of my birds have all used all their cage & I wonder why that is. Even while Phenix was using part of the big cage, he was moving vertically, which is also odd for a typical grey. It was just that he'd only cross the cage if the food & water dishes were on opposite sides.



So, I guess that's another reason why I'm concerned about how to decide what's best here. Phenix is just not normal! lol So, I've just got to go w/my best guess. But, of course I hate the trial & error thing whenever I guess wrong. And again, this one's long term

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Barbara2 does make a good point ...


She does & maybe I'm just being a little paranoid. I wonder if the "newbies" (L/T 10 yr owners) realize that never quite goes away. Kind of like malaria.


Unfortunately, it's getting worse. I did get Kura's cage & set it up yesterday. It looked a lot smaller in the driveway! Everyone else has great huge cages now . And there's poor Phenix, stuck in his corner (also a security thing) in his "little" cage. He just looks so like the redheaded step child! :/

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Think of it as HIS comfort zone.


I wish I had a nickel for every time I've told myself that. I truly do believe it so long as I'm relatively convinced of what that actually is.


Thank you very much to every one who was kind enough to work thru my paranoia w/me. I really appreciate the support which helped me decide on a compromise. I just decided to put the old cage out for sale, at a fair but not bargain price & said if it doesn't sell by X date it belongs to Phenix.


I posted the cage on Friday. Got a call yesterday. Sold it this afternoon & I believe a dyh is sleeping in it tonight.


Sometimes when the universe speaks you just have to listen. lol


Really everyone, thanks again for all the advice.

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I am happy you resolved this to give yourself peace and another parrot has been upgraded to a palace while Phenix is in the most spacious home he can tolerate. You know you are on the right track when you put so much thought and energy into what is best for each of your feathered companions. I love the custom approach you have chosen to give them each what rings his/her bell. You know them best and did an admirable job figuring out the cage logistics.

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