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Rocky's vet check up

Codys Mom

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all went great he even decided to walk up my vets arm and say Hi lol my vet liked that one , his blood work came back good and he said his weight is good , he weighs 475 , he was real impressed with him and he thinks he is a boy but we still don't know , I decided to wait until wednesday to do the dna test I will have my groomer do it and send it off the next day I didn't want to stress him all in one day

I found out today he loves carrots and sugar snap peas :)

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Glad to hear all went well at the vet check. My conures love carrots but I think they like tearing it to little bits and throwing it about their cage more then they like actually eating them. But fresh peas on the other hand they absolutely devour like I don't feed them or something. Who ever came up with the phrase "eats like a bird" obviously never owned a parrot of any kind because that's all mine seem to do!


I was also wondering about the DNA sexing. I researched it a bit and my understanding is you order the kit, pluck a chest feather or take a blood sample and send it back. How do you go about doing this without making your bird feel uneasy about it. Kinda sounds like it'd be a great way to make em mad at you.

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you only take a very small amount of blood , their is a circle on the blood card and you put the blood in that circle I don't do the feather one because I think that would be much harder , I just did my ringneck a few weeks ago and she was real easy she never made a sound and never even jerked it didn't bother her at all but since Rocky is quite a bit bigger I will help and let my groomer do it so if he /she gets mad it will be at my groomer lol not me

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Great to hear all went well! I had my vet do the DNA test. He clipped the nail a bit short so it bled a tiny bit....poor Talon had a sore foot for a few days tho.....thought she was a he for a year, then found out he was a she!

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