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Cricket Draws Blood

Ray P

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Cricket draws blood but it was not from a bite.

Cricket and I were building a strong bond and relationship with trust in the first 2 or 3 months. She would come out of her cage and we would play for hours.

Cricket was still over weight but she was starting firm up and was looking good. In her larger cage she could flap her wings and the muscle tone in her wings was getting better.

She was out of her cage and on my hand and we were playing and I was mov ing my hand up and down and making her flap her wings and she lost her grip and started to fall. As she fell she grabbed my index finger and was hanging by her beak from my finger. Her feet were going a millon miles per hour looking for something to grab and her wings were flapping and my finger hurt like hell but I kept my cool. I brought my other hand up for her to grab and she stoped flapping her wings. She climbed up my arm to my shoulder and sat there as I went to the bathroom to wash all the blood to see how bad it was.

It was just a small puncture from her beak and I talked to her as I cleaned it and put on a band aid

It was not a bite she just wanted to stop her fall.

We went back to playing our game and having a good time like we do every day

That is my story about me and my girl zon Cricket.

I would like to here your story about your bird (zon grey macaw any bird) on how you built your bond and trust.

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