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Parrot Video Channel


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I'm trying to find a youtube or video channel for birds. I would like to play it during the day while I'm at work. I've read that the sound of other birds talking and sounds can help stimulate your birds mind. Right now Zoe watches Sponge Bob and anything on NICK. I would like it to loop all day off my computer speakers. I think it will help also with her learning to talk. What do you play for your Grey? Has any one heard of a bird video channel that will loop?

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I'm trying to find a youtube or video channel for birds. I would like to play it during the day while I'm at work. I've read that the sound of other birds talking and sounds can help stimulate your birds mind. Right now Zoe watches Sponge Bob and anything on NICK. I would like it to loop all day off my computer speakers. I think it will help also with her learning to talk. What do you play for your Grey? Has any one heard of a bird video channel that will loop?


Unfortunately,there are no video parrot channels and on YOUTUBE, those pieces can't be looped because they're not WAV files.

When people want all day parrot sounds , they usually buy some different CDs and use a CD player to run all day. They're very nice CDs but I doubt that you can do anything with them through your computer. They keep a bird's attention because there's all different types of parrots all together on the CD going through their natural sounds in the Jungle/forest. There's no special CD that's made for any one species. And no, none of these CDs will help a parrot to talk. The sounds they make in the jungle/forest are their own natural sounds. Human talking is just mimicing what they've picked up in a house.



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My boys just LOOOOOVE the different parrots-in-the-wild videos on YouTube. I'll just type in "wild" and then some particular parrot species (Amazons, African Greys, lorikeets, whatever) and see what pops up. There's a handful of nice videos of flocks of parrots in the wild, like at salt licks and things in their natural habitat, that Marcus and the other smaller parrots just adore. It doesn't matter if it's their species or not, they all get very excited to hear the other birds.


There are a few DVDs out there though that have footage of parrots flying and preening in the wild and things, and if you're willing to pay the money, the free clips of them available online suggest that they'd be a similar type of thing to the little 3-minute clips I play for my boys. If that's the type of thing you're looking for, I know at least two online bird stores that sell them with their other parrot merchandise. Here's a link to one of them, hope it helps somehow:



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Thanks for this, I loved seeing the Rainbow lorikeet video!


Aren't they sweet? And you have one, Cupid, right? If you've never seen the documentary The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill, besides following the flock of (basically) cherry-headed conures, there is also a little segment of the film where a flock of rainbow lorikeets are shown in all their lively glory too, in the nearby zoo I think it was. You might want to check it out if you haven't seen it yet. Our boys like that movie very much, too--except for the hawk scenes, we need to skip over those particularly for sensitive little Bunsen.

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It's never a good idea to buy parrot CDs that have repititive words on them. Most people buy them hoping the bird may learn to talk.


""Hi there.------ I'm a good boy*-------I wanna some apple

""Hi there. -----I'm a good boy*--------I wanna some apple

""Hi there. ------I'm a good boy*--------I wanna some apple

""Hi there. -----I'm a good boy*---------I wanna some apple

""Hi there. ------I'm a good boy*--------I wanna some apple

""Hi there. -------I'm a good boy*-------I wanna some apple

""Hi there. -------I'm a good boy*-------I wanna some apple


Well, there's a very tiny possibility ( 1%) that a bird will finally repeat what's on the CD and if played all day in a loop, what does it really mean???

The CD item a person buys will not be the same voice as the owner. The voice that's imitated by the bird will be the one on the CD. The words won't be connected to anything in context wise.


Basically, the bird becomes a robot.

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It's never a good idea to buy parrot CDs that have repititive words on them. Most people buy them hoping the bird may learn to talk.


""Hi there. -----I'm a good boy*---------I wanna some apple

""Hi there. ------I'm a good boy*--------I wanna some apple

""Hi there. -------I'm a good boy*-------I wanna some apple

""Hi there. -------I'm a good boy*-------I wanna some apple


Basically, the bird becomes a robot.


Couldn't agree more than with Daves comments and thoughts on this.

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