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Louie has been around for over a year!!!!


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So here is Louie's latest video. He is not afraid of me and thinks I'm pretty tasty but he still will not step up!!




The one nice thing is that Louie does not really bite me very hard. And if you say he is just "checking" to see if the arm is steady, well trust me, it is!!!!!! He will touch my hand and even my shoulder at times but he just will not let me touch him in any way. I ask me to come here at least once a day and he does open his wings and lean over as if to come, but then he changes his mind. But, I am still hopeful and will continue to be hopeful. Some day!!!!


Don't think I have not considered clipping him just so he "needs" me. But that is not something I can do very lightly, so I will do it the hard way and just keep trying. He will go into his cage when I ask and come out and into his travel cage when I ask so I really can't complain. I just wish I could cuddle him like i can with my greys.

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Louie is a very handsome guy. He sounds and acts in the video a lot like my kiwi. Although kiwi and mango both have actually gotten on my shoulder and arms touching is strictly off limits. Mango will nibble but Kiwi bites. Not super hard but it sure doesn't feel good lol. I was thinking maybe I was doing something wrong.


But regardless, your Louie seems to be a sweet happy little guy! Thanks for sharing the video.

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I so wish I had asked the lady who brought Louie to me more about his background. She was from India originally and Louie spoke Hindu. I do know he belonged to her husband and that when the husband became ill, Louie was moved outside "with the greys." They apparently raised Congo greys. She called Louie "wild". All I saw was a beautiful Blue Front amazon in a cage made for a canary/parakeet and I wanted to give him a home. I tried to call her a few days afterwards but her telephone number was disconnected. I've kicked myself three-fold for not asking more questions when I purchased Louie. Louie is a wonderful zon and so full of energy and love so I can wait for him to trust me. To be honest, my kids, who don't like my parrots, like Louie the best! Go figure!!! LOL!!! His English gets better all the time!!!

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You know Janet, just watching the video, I think it's clear Louie already trusts you bunches. His "nibbles" are so soft and it almost seems like he is connecting with you even though he is using his beak. Who knows what may come, but your relationship seems solid and close from my perspective.

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Jeff, Louie follows me around all day long in my home. If I go into the kitchen, here comes Louie and as well as the other two. He doesn't like taking food from my hands so I usually place his treats in a foraging spot near him after first trying to get him to take it from me. I have no problems getting him back in to his cage for whatever reason, he goes in usually without a problem, or after he flies around a bit. I believe so he can get rid of excess energy before being "locked" up. I so wish I could talk to his former owners again, as I believe he is leery of women. I do plan to continue to work with him as he is now a big part of my life.

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I have tried the "handshake" but Louie is afraid of hands so he backs away. He will "kiss" my cheek if I ask him to but that is an act of faith (on mt part) as he always has that beak much wider than I like! As long as it is Louie touching me, he is okay. I'm the one whose touching is off limits.

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Your Louie is really beautiful... I agree, he just seems to be 'testing the waters' so to speak and not really biting you. That day will come when he feels comfortable enough to step up. Our Tybalt, the Indian Ringneck, is kind of at that point. He will fly across the room and perch on us occasionally, but he will not willingly step up for either of us yet--although sometimes he seems to be contemplating the idea. And in terms of "kisses" and things, he sees Beaker clean our noses :) and whatnot and the other night, Tybalt was making all of these happy sounds and leaning toward my face, like he wanted to do it too. But when he grabbed my nose, it was more than a pinch!! I laughed it off like it was no biggie, telling him to be gentle, but honestly that big, open red beak scared me (the thought of it still does)! My hubby says he just doesn't know his boundaries yet when it comes to that sort of thing. But I'm sure in time your Louie and you both will become so comfortable with each other that you will barely remember there being any issues with these sorts of things. It may take some more time than you'd hope, but if it makes you feel any better, if you recall the troubles we had with Marcus stepping up when we first got him--he will step off onto my forearm with no issues at all from his door perch now, the first time I ask him anymore. I'm sure Louie will someday for you, too. :)

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Penny, that's a great idea and Louie speaks Hindu at least once a day. A whole bunch of words as if he is holding a conversation. I can't repeat any as it is a very fast language. My daughter believes he is repeating half of a telephone call. There is a couple from India who run the local minit mart and I have thought of taking Louie up there for a translation, but he is speaking English every day now and I'm too "mature" to care about learning another language. He has said the words "step up" and he knows what they mean because I step up the other two every day in his presence. Right now, I'm more interesting in getting Louie to come flying to me for a treat instead of his holding back. I want him to really trust me enough to come to me and let me touch him. He is such an awesome zon and I love him to pieces!


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I just love watching your Louie videos. I'm rooting for you guys. I live in a condo with neighbors adjacent, so although I am very attracted to Zons, I heard they can be too loud for my situation. I am excited about getting my CAG in a few months. I wanted to ask you about your hanging boings. I was debating about making a pvc playgym or getting various hanging boings to place in my condo. I'll probably end up doing both. I just wanted your take on it. It seems your birds enjoy the boings.

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Jeff my parrots all love the boings and use them all the time. I have one in each room of my home and three in my office as that is where the computer is and I spend a lot of time in the office thus my parrots are in there a lot also. Also my Louie is not a screamer. He and Ana Grey talk a lot but no screaming. I live in a house in a rural town in Washington State. Never had a complaint about my birdies they are pretty quiet. I beleive it depends on the parrot and if the parrot is happy life is mellow.

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I agree with Janet! My cag can be as loud as my zon when they are mimicking my scoldings! Lol. A happy bird doesn't have any reason to scream, always talk to my birds so they never find they have to scream to get my attention.

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If you had asked a thousand questions about Louie, there is no telling if you would have gotten answers with insight. You may have been told anything just to keep you from asking more questions or potentially walking away. Louie is beautiful and he does want to be with you. Wouldn't it be great if you could have a Hindu speaker on hand to let Louie tell you all his stories? He will eventually tell you in his own way. Have you ever tried to put him on the floor to see if he would step up from there?

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I have put Louie's travel cage on the floor and he has come out of it and sat on the top. But if I try to touch him or try to step him up, he just flies away. Louie is fully flighted so what may work for a clipped bird, does not work with Louie. I have tried calling him with his favorite treat next to me and he won't come for that either. Louie has learned to say, "come here Louie" in English though . LOL!

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