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Save our house


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Hi bird fans.

I might have stumbled upon a house saver,ie,furniture,door frames wallpaper etc.Two months ago i tried balloons ,and all types of things,you all know what i mean,amazon and grey fighting for the same bit of wood,lol.A bout a month ago i used an ostrich feather duster.Well a month later my girls still freak and fly away from said duster.No matter where i place it ,they both give it a wide berth.Door frames,furniture,no matter where,they just avoid it like it was the most hated thing.So i went a got another 2 and placed them when were all in the same room.Well people ,so far so good.I hope this continues to be good news.Thanks for reading this rather long thread.I hope it might be of use and works for some one else.:D

Edited by Stevie
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Speaking of things birds are scared of, I found the other day my birds won't come near me if I'm wearing a hat. I walked up to the cage and at first couldn't figure for the life of me why they seemed so nervous. Then I realized it was the first time I had wore my hat next to they're cage. I took it off and they calmed right down.

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