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Two week mark!


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So, Ivan, the 4 year old TAG that I am "fostering to adopt" has been here two weeks today. It's going great actually. He talks A LOT! A LOT! Is very outgoing, loves to be held and hang out with me, is eating great, playing with toys, etc. I am really loving him. I still have not made the official decision to adopt permanently only because I still worry about the amount of time necessary to make him happy, but even being out a couple of hours a day he seems very happy and fulfilled. Honestly, I can't imagine letting him go. He is such a sweetheart. Here are some pictures of him from this week.











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Ivan looks very happy and comfortable with you. I have a TAG and I find her to be very easy going. TAGs to me are more adaptable than CAGs (I have one of those too.) I think you have already made up your mind so make it official already!!!!! LOL!!!


I am very close:) I still worry, but I can't imagine letting him go because he seems really happy. Also, even though he can't be out all the time here, I don't think that there are really that many homes where he could be out more and get the same amount of attention, enrichment, etc.


He is a real beauty!! Hope you decide to keep him, he needs you! :)


Aw, thanks. I kind of feel like he does too:)


If I was you, I'd be all over that like my six year old on an ice cream sandwich! He sounds like a really sweet guy, and a great looking bird.


I'm very close.

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He's a handsome guy. I hope you decide to keep him. I don't know your situation, but it seems like deep down you really want a grey--so why not him? You are off to a great start by all appearances.


I think my situation is actually pretty good for him. I am a professional dog trainer and behavior consultant, so I am home quite a bit but teach a lot of classes in the evenings. I do privates during the days sometimes too, but am doing more classes than privates at the moment. I think it's a good situation, but I just worry if I can give him enough. But, I tend to worry and over analyze:)

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There is something you should really keep in mind about Ivan. It seems he is getting really comfortable being part of your "family" and he has been with you for 2 weeks already so if you are unsure be careful that you don't break his heart by letting him get really use to you and then you deciding to let him go. Just something to think about, as greys really are very sensitive and loving balls of feathers.

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There is something you should really keep in mind about Ivan. It seems he is getting really comfortable being part of your "family" and he has been with you for 2 weeks already so if you are unsure be careful that you don't break his heart by letting him get really use to you and then you deciding to let him go. Just something to think about, as greys really are very sensitive and loving balls of feathers.


I have thought of that. I am not ready to say it's "official" or permanent, because that makes it permanent and official, but, I think he's home. He is happy here, we seem to be connect, we are learning to trust each other and he needs a home.

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You know your gonna keep him, if you dont, you will live to regret it. . . Then youll want another grey, but wont find another like the one who already has your heart. . . ;)


I completely agree with Cupid. Especially after you've had him this long and you two have started to bond so well.

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