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What other stuff can i do with my grey?


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Hiya..... =)


so things r going really well with me & CoCo... His been at home with me for just over 3 weeks now...& he is 17 weeks old now....... He will step up on command, loves cuddles & scratches..... & the other day he started to make his 1st noises (that we have head anyways) even sounds like he is trying to say things...this is just now & then he will have a little outburst......


I let CoCo out of his cage for most of the day & talk to him LOADS....


But sometimes if he isnt climbling all over his cage, or chewing & playing with his toys,

he just sits there looking very bored....Is there more stuff i can do with him???


I try to handle him lots but after he has stepped up i walk over to the sofa & sit down with him & he flys bk up on his cage... he preferes me to stroke him while he is still sitting on his cage, im not gonna push him to stay on me, im sure this will come in time, am i right??

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A bird does not have to be doing something all hours of the day to be happy, sometimes they just want to chill out sitting and observing their environment and if he is happy just sitting on his cage then let him be.

You have only had him for 3 weeks and he may not have bonded to you yet where he wants to be with you more, all greys are individuals and some want lots of attention and being with their owners and others like being to themselves more of the time so don't worry that he is not happy or bored if he isn't playing or climbing around all the time. Besides if you wanted a bird that would stay on you all the time you would have gotten a too.

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My parrots have their rituals and pretty much do as they want around my house. They are not furniture wreckers and I am very grateful for that!!! I have three and although they are out most of the day, they do not sit on me all the time. They have perches or boings close by and sometimes follow me around. Sometimes they just sit in the bird room and come looking for me for a nut or other treat. I love the fact that they are independent. So relax and let your grey get comfortable. If you are relaxed so will your grey be. Our greys can read us so quickly and easily if you give them a chance.

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  • 6 months later...

I love the idea of a bird just sort of doing what it wants around the house. My only question is how do you keep them from pooping everywhere? I hear lots of members say that their birds kind of travel around, I would love to do this however I am just curious if there is a way to contain their mess.

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it's ok for Coco to sit around and do nothing... because believe it or not, he is doing something. Grey's have a high cognitive ability, and they need down time to organize all that grey matter (pun intended)... I'm sure Coco is watching you while you watch tv or read a book going *dang, why are they just staring at that thing and not eating it* but if you want to give him more things to do... foraging is a great thing, simple things such as wrapping his food in paper so he'd have to shred it open to complex systems that he'll take a while to figure out... Archimedes' favorite foraging toy is this box with 4 drawers... was pretty simple for him to figure out, but he loves eating out of there... and he's figured out that if he can't reach the food in the back, all he needs to do is pull the drawer back and forth a bit and the nuggets come forward (such a smarty pants)

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I love the idea of a bird just sort of doing what it wants around the house. My only question is how do you keep them from pooping everywhere? I hear lots of members say that their birds kind of travel around, I would love to do this however I am just curious if there is a way to contain their mess.


LOL. I love to always chime in on this question. When you find out tell me. I have heard of birds just naturally picking up on approved 'poop zones' before, but I know of no way to guide them down that path without other possible negative side effects. And certainly, Isaac is no such bird. The only way I have found to deal with that is to be dilligent about picking up after him and have the right tools for the job. For me, that is a Dyson vacuum and a Bissel upright steam cleaner for going over the spots every week or two.

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Believe me guys, it becomes an " art". Always ahead of the poops. Some , have birds that poop only in their cage area. I'm jealous! My birds don't do that, but try to " refrain". To maintain, my " open cage", I had to give somethings up. No curtains on the lower level was first to go. Family room only, for rug. Otherwise hardwood floors. Poop easy to clean on them. Having an open cage, doeswn't mean birds are out, flying everywhere, whenever they want! The moment I walk in the door, they either fly out, or waLK TO FIND ME. nANCY

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My parrots are out most of the day and sit on me or on perches in front of my windows or in the birdroom. The poop is contained because my parrots have places in each room that are theirs to perch on. Birds poop before they take off not in flight. Therefore, the poop is contained in these designated areas.

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realized I never answered the poop question... Best thing to do is set a designated poop zone (for us it's the java tree) and the moment Archimedes comes out the cage we walk him to his tree and give the command *go poops* while he still has accidents around the house, it does help somewhat... especially for those morning bombs we all love

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