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Tuna Fish, Scrambeled Eggs, Chicken


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I have never fed my grey tuna fish but know some here that do, I do feed some egg and chicken occasionally. I usually hard boil an egg and offer some but others do scramble it, just don't use any fat or salt in it and the chicken should be baked not fried, Josey had some chicken last night, they can also have a chicken bone, preferably a leg with or without a little meat on it, most love to crack it open and eat the marrow inside, its good for them too.

Yes it does seem to be strange to give them chicken as they are a feathered animal but remember they eat the yolk of an egg when they are incubated in their shell so its not that unnatural.

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I feed my parrots each of the foods you mentioned. The tuna is drained from the can and popped in with their frozen vegetables I am heating in the microwave. The eggs are sometimes boiled then mixed with vegetables and I also give them scrambled eggs with a little chorizo or other breakfast meat and chopped veggies. Chicken is usually roasted and I have tried to given them leg bones but they prefer breast or thigh! I also give them roast beef or other meats and fish I am eating. They like shrimp!

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I also give ours egg, boiled and they really like the egg shell so I leave some egg in the shell and give it to them. Chicken is a big winner in our household, they love it. They don't like tuna, but salmon is another story, love it to the point where they take huge bites of it and I think they might choke on it.

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As to birds eating birds, we're mammals and we (most of us, at least) eat other mammals. Oh, delicious pig, is there nothing you don't provide??


I haven't tried giving Elegua any meat yet. She's still barely poking through her bean/rice/veggie/nut mix. She'll eat the heck out of the pellets and happily take a bit of fruit or a nut, but not so interested in anything else. We'll get there, though...

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May I recommend moderation in all things just like us. Too much protien can do damage as could too much of any other nutrient or supplement. Our flock loves scrambled egg or a veggie omelet, chicken bones and the occasion piece of Salmon. Once or twice a week for this kind of food is recommended.

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I have a CAG a BFA and two cockstiels and they all love eggs hard boiled or scrambled some beef some tuna but give them a chicken leg bone with a little meat on it and they will make a day of fun out of it , but don`t try to take the bone away because if you do you are in BIG TROUBLE !!!

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