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Tule threw up!!


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It happened just a few minutes ago. I had had him out, he was on the top of his cage. I had gone to the other side of the room to watch some video my bf wanted me to see, and when I turned back he had a clear fluid dripping from his beak. He then proceeded to throw up 4 or 5 more times, only one of them with a significant amount of fluid. He seems perfectly fine, he is walking around, looking for attention, doing his usual clothes biting thing. He pooped a few minutes after throwing up and it looked normal. No change in his diet except... About 20 minutes before he threw up I gave him a teeny piece of cheeto. I know that isn't good for him at all (don't scold me! :( ), but he saw me eating them and was soooo interested that I gave him a little taste. He hardly even tried it.


I was so horrified when I saw what was happening, I immediately thought the worst. My bf thinks he just wasn't good with the cheeto, and will be fine. I also know that it could be courting behavior, but it seems strange that he would do it while I'm not right there. I was gone all day house sitting (my bf with me) so I don't know how he was acting today, but from his attitude when I got home he seems normal. Playing with toys, etc. I gave him a piece of carrot as soon as he was done throwing up hopefully to settle his stomach or something.


Please tell me he will be okay. No more cheetos! The only other thing is he has been sneezing a little more often, but I had noticed earlier that he has what seems to be a flake of dry skin or small feather in one of his nostrils. His eyes are clear and there is no discharge anywhere.


I'll take him to the vet if you think it is wise or I see any signs of sickness in the next few days. I hope I don't have to, just because Tule hates his carrier and it's a hassle for everyone. He's trying to get my attention now so I'll give him some love and hope you have something good to tell me. Thanks, Ellie.


Edit: The fluid was a "little" cloudy, but mostly clear. Tule is now happily eating and drinking like normal. It's late so I am going to turn the lights off soon and put him to bed.

Edited by Tule
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Dan is right, keep a very close eye on him and if he continues to throw up, take him to the vet ASAP. It could be something that disagreed with him and he will be fine. Just remember by the time they ACT sick, it is very late in the illness. I would watch him for the next day or so and see if it continues or not.

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To update you all, I've been watching Tule all day. He's been eating and drinking normally, poop is still normal, and he has been as active and ornery as usual. He's been pretty quiet, but that's not very unusual. He still called for me when I left the room. I'm pretty much at the conclusion that it was just a little upset tummy and he'll be right as rain from here on out. I'll keep watch for the next few days, but I'm feeling much less anxious. I had a lovebird who would regurgitate on my curtains (haha..) and it was a thick pellet-colored mess, not at all like what came out of Tule, which is one reason I was so worried. Anyway he seems to be fine. Thanks for the responses.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a similar scare three days ago. My cockatiel looked like her head was wet and when I felt it, it was crunchy not wet. I rushed to the ER vet at 9:30 at night. We didn't know what was on her at the time. We found a few drops of the clear mucos like stuff on the bars of her cage. The vet looked her over and she did throw up a little more so at least we knew where it was coming from. The vet took a slide of the vomit and tested it. It ended up showing only normal bacteria. Gracie did lose 10% of her weight since her last vet visit though (3-4 months ago). Her breathing did sound a little rasy on her back I was told. Gracie is 13 1/2 yrs old so the vet told me she is getting up there in age. I was sent home with an antibiotic for her. The next day her poop was runny and black with some white in it. Prior to all this her poop always looked normal. I rushed the poop to the vet and had it tested for blood and sure enough it had blood in it. I was then given a different antibiotic for her and some Sucralfate. I was unable to give her the new meds until hours later after I had them filled and got home. Before I even gave her the 1st dose her poop started looking normal again. The vet said she could have an upper GI irritation or possibly even cancer considering her age. Gracie is looking better so I hope it was just an irritation. I will be talking to the vet today to see what she says and to probably take in another stool sample to be tested. I felt a little better when I read your story and heard your bird was fine. I hope Tule is still doing well. I thought Gracie was a goner. We are leaving for vacation soon and I am scared to death to leave her. I hope we are out of the woods and she is given a clean bill of health.

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