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Yet another new member. Currently birdless tho :)


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Hello all. I have been reading a bunch of stuff on these forums (and other resources) and the more i read the more I learn. I have been wanting a gray for a long time now, but am not going to rush into things since it is almost like having/adopting a child lol. This forum has been a great source of insight and am happy i have discovered it.

I suppose my main question for the most part is the fact that I am a single guy, and work 5 days a week 8+ hours during the summer. Summer is over tho so most work days are 8 or less. How is that going to affect the bird ? I know they need a lot of interaction and i want to give him/her that. I dont want to get a gray and have no time for it. Its like having a german shephard sog and live in a studio apartment. Id never do such a thing.

Thanks for your time all and look forward to hopefully in the near future sharing a common familly member:)

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Hello all. I have been reading a bunch of stuff on these forums (and other resources) and the more i read the more I learn. I have been wanting a gray for a long time now, but am not going to rush into things since it is almost like having/adopting a child lol. This forum has been a great source of insight and am happy i have discovered it.

I suppose my main question for the most part is the fact that I am a single guy, and work 5 days a week 8+ hours during the summer. Summer is over tho so most work days are 8 or less. How is that going to affect the bird ? I know they need a lot of interaction and i want to give him/her that. I dont want to get a gray and have no time for it. Its like having a german shephard sog and live in a studio apartment. Id never do such a thing.

Thanks for your time all and look forward to hopefully in the near future sharing a common familly member:)


There are plenty of people who work and own greys. It's nice if you work from home or can take your grey to work but plenty of people make it work while they put in 8 hour days. There is a period of time during the day when the birds nap so it's not like it's a total 8 hours. If you can devote some time before work, some quality time after work and lots of time on weekends I think you'll be good. There are lots of toys, some interactive, to keep them busy during the day! And welcome!

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There are plenty of people who work and own greys. It's nice if you work from home or can take your grey to work but plenty of people make it work while they put in 8 hour days. There is a period of time during the day when the birds nap so it's not like it's a total 8 hours. If you can devote some time before work, some quality time after work and lots of time on weekends I think you'll be good. There are lots of toys, some interactive, to keep them busy during the day! And welcome!


I was kinda thinking (AND Hoping) that would be the case. I hadn't thought about their naps they take , but i also forgot to mention i do work 2nd shift so there would be plenty of daytime of me being there and whatnot. Getting home around midnight or so tho I am wondering how cranky of a bird would i have? lol

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Hello Markus and welcome to our family, you are doing the right thing to read and find out all you can about living with a grey to make sure you are a good fit with owning one.

Many of the members here including me work full time and have a grey and I also have 2 other birds but I find time to spend with my fids in the evening and weekends. They get used to being by themselves during the day, as long as you have some toys in their cage to keep them busy and leave either the tv or radio on for background noise they do fine while you are gone. My hubby is the first one home after work but he doesn't let them out for I do that when I get home.

They can adjust to a work week of evening hours also, just have them out during the day and when you get home from work just quietly go about your usual business without disturbing your grey's sleep. I work day hours but occasionally we are out an evening that I know we will be late getting home, I usually cover my fids cages at night but if we are going out before it gets dark we leave them uncovered and when it gets dark they go to sleep and when we get in we don't disturb them for their cages are in the family room. They are not so rigid that things have to be done on a schedule so if you really want a grey then he/she can adapt.

Also I think it is helpful to have more than one bird as most of us have and when we are not at home the birds are company for each other, they each have their own cage but they may chatter back and forth with one another, something you might want to consider, it doesn't have to be a needy type bird just a bird, I have a sun conure and a cockatiel.

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Its good to hear that they can adjust to a schedule. Im pretty consistant when it comes to that anyhow. While currently i live with my mother when i get my own place i did plan on getting another bird for the greys company. Mom has a very talkative parakeet i can only imagine how it would be with 2 birds lol.

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Thank you for joining us. I find it admirable that you will research first because this is a huge commitment. I came upon a grey and learned as I went and I think it is a lot harder. One thing that will help is to find a breeder near you to learn all you can first hand along with the forums and reading material you can find. I think everyone else is right about the time spent away at work. If you have a predictable schedule and bring in a baby on that schedule, it will adapt to your time as long as when you are home you dedicate time out of the cage and give him lots to keep him occupied while you are away. I am so glad you are looking into all the information you can find so that when you do get a grey, you are sure you want this companion for decades to come. We have a rehomed grey who has been in more than one home before getting here. He had a wonderful caretaker before we got him but every change took a toll on his confidence and security. My heart is warmed by your willingness to think first of the life your grey will have and then consider what a joy he will be in your life.

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Hi Markus!


I, too, live at home with my parents.I'll be getting my degree in May though, so hopefully I move out soon! (along with getting my grey)


What made you want a Grey specifically?


I just wanted to add that after getting Shelby, my cockatiel, I got Jon mostly to keep him company. Of course, they hate each other. If you're going to get a second bird, get him/her because you want to expand your flock. You'll never know how one bird will get along with another.

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