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Getting another parrot?


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We (my fiancé and I) have had Ollie (3yo CAG) for 2.5 years now. He is amazing and has been nothing but wonderful! Anything Ollie enjoys doing with my fiancé, he equally enjoys doing with me. Ollie is truly a two person bird!

Here's my question, Ollie, if it's not sleep time, is usually in his cage for <5hrs a day, but we feel he's bored inside his cage for that time (though he has plenty of toys and is next to a window). So we were thinking of getting an umbrella cockatoo, one because we love those little guys and two to keep Mr. Ollie (he loves to be called Mr.Ollie) entertained when we are not home. What are everyone's thoughts on keeping two parrots?



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Your bird has gotten used to all things--living style--living conditions---equal friendiness with both of you. Many greys are in the exact same living situation as yours and there'a never any problems. You may feel that he's bored at certain times of the day when he does nothing but sit and stare and possibly nap. All greys do this on a constant basis. He's not bored. He's just being an african grey. As far as getting another bird, there's no way you can know if they're compatible. Your grey is #1 and he's quite happen with that figure.

As far as a TOO, I would say that you need to sit down and strongly think about that. TOOs are the 2nd loudest bird in the Parrot world and they squawk and yell quite often. Even if they talk, that's very high pitched and loud. Many people have gotten TOOs without knowing the facts and wind up being very sorry. If everything is not just right with a TOO, they will seriosly pluck. They're the worst pluckers in the parrot world. Think before you choose.

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I have three parrots and what I originally wanted was a cockatoo. I truly wanted a Too like Fred! When I decided I could finally get a parrot, I did more research and personal looking into cockatoos and found them to be very needy parrots wanting to be with their owners constantly. Not for me! So make sure you do your research about cockatoos to see if it is a parrot that you want. Frankly I love my amazon, Louie, he is very comical and a great talker. Definitely an independent kind of parrot. Also, I don't find that my parrots are companions for each other. They like me and being with me or sitting by themselves. They do not spent time together as buddies. So if you get another parrot, make sure the parrot is something you and your fiance want. To me it sound like Ollie is getting along just fine on his own.

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You should get a too only if you really want one and not to be just company for Ollie, toos are very demanding birds and loud, if you just want another bird around then get a tiel or some other small bird. I used to think I wanted a too, a rosebreasted to be exact until I found out more about them, I already have one bird who is stuck to me like glue, my sun conure so I admire others who have them but they are not for me, I will remain too less.

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It is interesting being in this forum. It seems many grey owners also own other species of birds--especially cockatiels, conures, senegals, budgies and amazons. But I haven't run across anyone with a cockatoo. Cockatoos are very popular parrots. I wonder why we don't see more Too owners in this forum. Do you think there is something about the personality of people attracted to Greys, or have I just not run across the Too parronts here yet? Come to think of it, I don't see a lot of Macaw owners here either, although there are some. Any thoughts?

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It is interesting being in this forum. It seems many grey owners also own other species of birds--especially cockatiels, conures, senegals, budgies and amazons. But I haven't run across anyone with a cockatoo. Cockatoos are very popular parrots. I wonder why we don't see more Too owners in this forum. Do you think there is something about the personality of people attracted to Greys, or have I just not run across the Too parronts here yet? Come to think of it, I don't see a lot of Macaw owners here either, although there are some. Any thoughts?


There are at least three members here who have cockatoos. Jay and Maggie do, Robin does, and--yee, I can't remember her screen name, but she's a pretty, dark-haired girl who has a Grey and an M2, I think it is, and she posts pictures of herself with them on her shoulders sometimes.


Personally, I think the advice that has been given here in these forums before can be offered again: Anyone interested in buying/adopting a large cockatoo would do well to visit this site so that they can make a more educated choice before doing so.




They can be extremely demanding animals and, from what I've read, most people are truly not up to caring for one properly for the entirety of its life.

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We live with 2 Too's and Umbie & an Elanora along with the Grey flock. Too's like many people can be independent if raised to be. Major Mitchells and Rose Breasted are both more independent than the white Cockatoo's. It does depend on how they are socialized by the breeder and by the family that takes them home. You can make them very velcro & needy by devoting all your time to them when they first arrive. Or you can encourage them to entertain them selves and give them more limited interaction. I work with the large Macaws and a few species of Cockatoos as well at the Sanctuary and I can tell you a Molluccan Cockatoo is louder than any Macaw you can feel the shock wave of sound hit your eardrum and it is painful. I do love those big pink marshmallow birds clever, entertaining and often very loving (but still very loud).

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It is interesting being in this forum. It seems many grey owners also own other species of birds--especially cockatiels, conures, senegals, budgies and amazons. But I haven't run across anyone with a cockatoo. Cockatoos are very popular parrots. I wonder why we don't see more Too owners in this forum. Do you think there is something about the personality of people attracted to Greys, or have I just not run across the Too parronts here yet? Come to think of it, I don't see a lot of Macaw owners here either, although there are some. Any thoughts?


There's other replies in this thread that pertain to TOOS but I'll get more specific about TOOs.


The first magic words concerning buying are -----***That TOO is such a pretty bird. It seems friendly***

Many people don't take the time to fully get the history or personality as it pertains to a TOO that's it's getting older. A TOO is a totally different bird when it gets to adolescence. People don't try to understand how that type of bird will live in a house and what it'll really need. They don't try to understand natural loudness it has and will always have throughout it's life. They put a lot of demands on the owners.

TOOS are totally different than greys or other species of parrots. Greys are independent and can develop a lifestyle with or without people. TOOS need people to be happy. Their idea of happiness is to be all over the person, constantly being held. They're known as clingy birds. A cage is the worst spot for a TOO. It immediatle gets into a destructive mode on surrounding things ans even worse,Their own bodies.. Their natural voice is very high pitched and screeching is common. They're very jealous birds . Greys are jealous birds. Putting the 2 species together isn't a good idea. There's trouble ahead. They will inflict very strong bites to other birds and people which 65% of the time draws blood. Some people have had to get stitches from bites.

As far as it being a bird that lives in an apartment or in a house that's close by other houses, complaints are common to the owners and sometimes to local SPCAs. TOOs are the type of bird that can quickly take over a household. They demand attention.


In shelters/ rehome/ adoption centers located all over the place, TOOs take up at last 35 % of those places. They're put there for numerous reasons. Loudness, biting, bad attitudes, self destructiveness. Etc Etc. Many times it's very sad to see these birds because of what they look like.

This information isn't only on this board. It's common knowledge throughout the parrot community.

The most beautiful cockatoo that exists is the Major Mitchell/ Leadbetter TOO.

It's also the most expensive and the most aggressive TOO that a person can get--approx $3000. They only do well by Staying wild. Rarely will you see one for sale.

Why isn't there a lot of talk about them? In the past, many members have been told about them and decided to see the pros and cons before getting them. The TOO comes under the category of Big Medium/Large size. The Macaw is known as the large category. This grey board as well as other grey boards pertains to all species of medium sized parrots.

I believe that only people who.ve had lots of experience with larger parrots such as TOOs and Macaws should buy them although macaws have a better chance of not giving the owner grief. Their only problem is loudness. They are well rounded birds.

Others wil say that they have no problems but they're in the minority as far as TOOs are concerned.

Edited by Dave007
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I have to agree that while I've never owned a Too, they are VERY loud! Our neighbor across the street has a Moluccan cockatoo and they put it outside in a cage during the day when it's nice out. I can hear it from inside our house screaming. We know neighbor's a block down that also hear the screaming from in there house and are bothered as well!

I also think they are the most beautiful birds, so I get my fix watching them dance on you tube and visiting them at the bird store while I'm there. They are like VELCRO! Many times I have picked up a baby at the store and gave it a couple scritches and it has not let me put it down grabbing anything it can clothes, my watch, bracelet.

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I also thought about a Too but then the thought vanished when I read up on them and heard their screams and I already have a velcro bird named Echo I can't imagine haveing a large velcro bird

but gl in your choice and what about a amazon , I love our new Rocky zon , and I believe he is going to be loud enough

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