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Big changes in my household


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I'm starting a new job on Monday. It'll be 9-5, four days a week. This is great, as I need the money. But my biggest worry is leaving my birds alone so much of the time. They're used to having me around and they're used to being out of their houses for a few hours each day. Life has been a big old party for us so far.


I'm wondering how much I can adjust their schedules to fit my new work schedule. For instance, I now get up around 7:30, and they all come out for a couple of hours when I get up. They sleep when the sun goes down. Would it be okay to start their day earlier and finish it later? For instance, can I get them up at 6:00 am so they can have some out of cage time before I go to work? And can they stay up later than usual to hang out with me in the evenings? Is it okay if they make up the missed sleep with naps during the day?


And what about the weekends? Is it okay to switch back to the old routine on weekends, or should I stick to one routine seven days a week?


I'm really going to miss them. And I'm going to worry that they're missing me. If you have any suggestions about how to make it easier for them, I'd love to hear them.

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It may take a bit of adjustment for them and for you but they are more flexible and forgiving that you might imagine. At our house I get up at 5:25 a.m. make hubby a lunch feed the dogs, take care of the cats then uncover the birds and get them clean water and food making sure my Mom (87 yrs) eats as well. I talk to each of them and give a little love to those who are interested. The off to work, come home at lunch and let them out (except for Harry U2 and Whisper CAG due to agression issues) for the after noon as I only work half days. They get some fruit or nuts while out of cage and get turns playing and getting scritches. Bed time for birdies about 8p.m. then family time before bed. You will find a schedule that works for you and your flock. some where in there I do dishes, laundry, sweep and give Harry and Whisper some time alone.

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It may take a bit of adjustment for them and for you but they are more flexible and forgiving that you might imagine... You will find a schedule that works for you and your flock.


You will miss each other & it will take some time to work things out & adjust. But I'm sure you'll figure it out.


Congratulations on your the new job!

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The others have made good comments.


It's good to hear you got a job and will have the extra income you need. :)


Your flock will adjust to the hours/days as you do. You will find that they are aware of days/schedule and will be anxiously waiting for you to let them out on weekends for a full day/evening of out of cage time. You'll be surprised how fast they adjust. :)

Edited by danmcq
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As others have said, it will be all right. Your parrots will adjust. I spent about three days at my daughter's and my parrots all remained in their travel cages those days. My daughter has a lab and two cats that love bird and I don't mean as friends. It was necessary to keep my parrots safe. You know they didn't seem to mind. Once they were back home they went back to their old schedule, out all day, with no problems and no hard feelings. So relax, enjoy your new job and your parrots on your new schedule.

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My wife is a full time housewife but I work a full time job. When I come home our conures squawk like crazy till I come over and say hi. And I better spend a little time doing so or they let me know they feel shortchanged. Although I don't mind one bit. :-) I think it's so sweet the way they pester me for attention after being out of the house for the day.

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I think it's so sweet the way they pester me for attention after being out of

the house for the day.

My conure does the same, she starts screaming when she hears my vehicle pull up and its like hurry up and let me out so I can continue to tear up my t-shirts.

Congrats on your new job and you will work out something that will work for all of you, yes they have some adjusting to do since you have been at home with them all day but they will survive and it will make the time you do spend with them that much more precious and special. Its best not to have your birds into such a rigid routine that anything different upsets them so it will be a learning experience for you and your fids.

I assume you have all the bird's cages in one room so they will be company for each other while you are gone at work, be sure to leave them toys and especially foraging type ones so they are kept busy and leave a tv or radio on for background noise and they will be fine.

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