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And so the journey begins...


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I have invited Shadow into our home.




I had decided that I wanted a parrot but did not even know where to begin when a good friend of mine suggested I have Shadow come for a visit. Shadow is an 8 year old CAG who was hatched and raised in a single home. She lost her home when her original parront mom suffered health issues and decided to rehome her birds. Shadow has been with us for 3 weeks and has been busy entertaining us with her whistles and words. After 2 weeks she decided to venture out of her cage and today, one week later, she took flight and flew across my kitchen and family room. She has not let me touch her (except for the sucker punch during the first week..lesson learned) so I was somewhat concerned about her new-found interest in flying. To my complete surprise, I was able to sit beside her on the floor and she stepped right up onto my arm!! I can only hope this is the beginning of her willingness to trust me.

I have been stalking this forum and want to thank you for providing such a fabulous resource.


not sure why this picture posted sideways...sorry.

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Hello CLB and welcome to our family, so glad you could finally join us and we look forward to hearing and seeing a lot more of you and Shadow.

I thought the picture was meant to be that way but she is a beautiful grey and looks right at home.

You are doing the right thing to let her set the pace of what she will allow you to do as the relationship cannot be rushed and if you are to gain her trust you take it slow and easy as she settles in and begins to feel comfortable in her new home. I think what you have witnessed so far is only the tip of what will be forthcoming in the next few weeks and months.

Feel free to indulge us with more pics if you have any more you would share with us.

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Thank you all so much. I expected to be raising a baby, since nurturing babies is in my blood....orphaned kittens, puppies and even premature human babies. I raised my little Chihuahua from 2 days old, she weighed only 4 ounces.

That said, I am so unsure about everything, Shadow is definitely not a baby and I really want to do this right. The stories here are very reassuring, as is my friend who help Shadow find me, however, I spoke with a breeder to was so pessimistic about my relationship with this bird, that she said I should trade her as breed stock and get a baby who would bond without question. I do not want to let Shadow down.




still not sure why my pictures are loading sideways. I have never had this happen before???

Edited by CLB
wanted to add another picture
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I have to say that breeder you spoke to doesn't know much for older birds can and do bond with their new owner as we have seen it many times here on the forum with other members who took in adult birds. It may not happen as quickly or easily as with a baby grey but it does happen, it all depends on the personality of the bird itself and how the owner responds to the bird. Its fairly easy to gain the trust of a baby grey but to gain the trust of an adult bird is a little more difficult but certainly not impossible, it just takes time and lots of patience as the process cannot be rushed but we have seen some of the sweetest connections here with members who have taken in an older bird and established a loving and bonded relationship with that bird that sometimes seems to be stronger than some who have raised their greys from just weaned babies.

Let Shadow down, no way, you are doing a wonderful job.

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In regard to the sideways pictures, I would guess that in your file manager on your computer, you've got it displaying in the rotated way, but when you uploaded it to the backyard chicken forum, it uploaded in its original orientation. I would suggest going into an image manipulation program and rotating (and saving) it there, before uploading.


Don't listen to that breeder. Jeez! What a bizarre thing to say!

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I spoke with a breeder to was so pessimistic about my relationship with this bird, that she said I should trade her as breed stock and get a baby who would bond without question. I do not want to let Shadow down.


Rubbish!!!!!! That would be a very good example of "You can't believe everything you hear." Maybe she was just looking to buy/sell another bird.


For starters, the threads from katana600 & MarcusCAG might help show you how wrong that breeder can be. Judy's very right. The forum is filled w/happy rehome stories.


I promise, you will make many mistakes along the way. We all do. But nurturing instincts work on anything that needs you. It sounds like this grey needs you & your instincts will do you just fine to help build your relationship w/Shadow.


So, you done good ...and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

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Thanks for all the encouragement. Shadow stepped up for me again today and let my husband pet her wing feathers (briefly). She also decided to take a bath in her water bowl, something that took me by surprise since I was told she hated water. I love this bird and look forward to everything she has to share.

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