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Hi from me and Zazu :)


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Hi my name is Charity I work and I recently rescued a African Grey. Zazu was part of a crulety seizer that we did. He was crammed in a small cage for over a year surrounded by other animals who were also caged. There were 12 dogs, 5 ferrets, 1 hedgehog, 3 guinea pigs, 3 hamsters, 2 chinchillas, a cockiteil, a bearded dragon and 2 rabbits. Zazu acted very aggressive when we first seized him but soon he started acting like he wanted attention we had moved him to a bigger more appropriate cage obviously and he would try to get our attention in the office so we started petting his head ect. The court awarded all the animals to the shelter and the owner surrendered zazu to us for an office pet becasue we all fell in love with him. But soon after we were worried that someone might try to steal him or that he needed more work because he would not get on your hand and was still fearful of people. Needless to say I wound up with Zazu who I absolutly love he has come way out of his shell and loves me more and more each day. I now have him getting on my hand and have been working with him on all sorts of fun stuff. My dad has a african grey also so I already knew alot about them and was prepared for what I was getting into. I am so so blessed to have him and I am so glad we were able to save him from his terrible fate in that tiny cage.

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I am convinced that this is a forum of saints, of whom you are one. My heart goes out to all of those poor animals who were treated so cruelly. I too rescued my Gray right after Hurricane Irene blew through. I am convinced she was outside possibly in the woods during the 70 mile per hour winds. I am completely new to caring for an African Gray, but love her so much. I look forward to reading how yours adjusts to newfound love and care. Good luck.

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Hello Charity and welcome to our family, what a wonderful thing you have done to give Zazu a new home and rescue him from the horrible situation he was in, I just bet he appreciates all you have done for him, he just needed the right person to come along and care for him

I can't thank you enough for allowing Zazu to come into your home and into your heart, no animal should have to live like he did and whether he knows it or not he is only lucky grey and I think you both are going to be so blessed for this one small act of love.

Thanks for sharing the story of how you came to own Zazu, or should I say how he came to own you.

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