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Introducing Bailey and me!


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Hello all. I'm brand new --so new that I don't have my Grey yet, but I will in about two weeks. I posted on Yahoo answers for advice about transitions and one of the respondents offered several helpful links, this forum among them. You can find my question here if you're interested: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AuDaQC1tTRiF4yEznNwMOTHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110916075247AAUxSVB


I've been reading through some posts and am delighted to see what a friendly group this is. Can't wait to participate! Have a lovely day, everyone!:)

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My answer to your question on Yahoo would be to take cues from your grey. (What is his name?) Some older birds, and even some younger ones, take longer to transition than others. His personality will affect some of that as well as yours. You are very wise to put him in a secure cage away from the cats and dogs. Hopefully once he is used to you and your home, you can isolate the other animals so that he can get some out of cage time. I'm glad you joined and please keep us updated on his homecoming and progress adapting to his new family.

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Hi Susannah, welcome to you and Bailey! I commend you for trying to learn all you can before Bailey comes to live with you. So please, read, read, read, but remember all greys are different so most important is to read your new grey, learn all you can from his prior parront and family so that you will know his likes, dislikes and little quirks and what his schedule is. Both of you will have to make adjustments because greys are so intelligent and can be tricky little devils. It's nice to know he is use to dogs so it will be up to you get your family pets use to Bailey. I look forward to traveling this new journey with you. Welcome to the Grey family!!!!

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Hello Susannah and welcome to our family, so glad you have been directed here and you will learn a lot from reading thru our many threads.

Each grey is an individual bird with its own personality and so will transition differently but the main thing is to let the bird decide when its ready for interaction and be patient and allow the bird to set the pace for new and different things, this can take weeks or months but if allowed to develop without forcing it then all should work out fine.

Many members here have other pets besides their grey or other birds and they learn to live and coexist with each other and that may take some time to find out how to make it work in your home with your pets but be sure to supervise all out of cage time when the other pets are out and about and soon you will have a system that will work for you.

Now if you have some pictures of Bailey you would share with us we would love to see them.

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Welcome, Susannah!


My baby girl, Ellie (16 weeks old), was raised with dogs around, so she has no fear.


My dogs, on the other hand, have never seen a bird up close. Between the jealousy (they are HUGELY jealous of each other - not in an aggressive way, but in an overly demanding way) and the excitment of having a bird in the house (IN THE HOUSE! OMG!!), I'm extremely cautious about leaving Ellie outside of her cage without very close supervision.


My small dog, Nala (a shih-poo), seems the most anxious around Ellie. I wish that I could read her furry mind so I could know HOW worried I should be...

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