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Update (it's been awhile!)


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Hey guys! Long time no talk!! I haven't been on here in sooo long. I thought I would stop by and say hi and give you an update on Ecko. He is 2 and a 1/2 years old now and going through the terrible twos. :P He is very talkative and learning new things every day. I think the last time I was here I had a problem with him plucking his feathers... well guess what?! It has been almost a year since he has plucked!! His feathers have grown back and he is a beautiful boy again. :) It was a long process but he did it and I'm so proud of him.




I also wanted to introduce my new baby girl, Whisper!! I totally did not plan on getting her but I went to a bird fair a month ago and I fell in love with her instantly. She is the sweetest and most sociable bird I have ever met! The people said she is about a year old and her family couldn't have her anymore because of their apartment or something. I don't know how in the world anyone could give up this sweet bird but I am soo happy I found her!!! :o Unfortunately, they clipped her wings the day I got her :( it is so sad when she tries to fly and falls to the ground. She has adjusted really well to me and her new surroundings. She is learning how to talk and it is so cute. She is really good at stepping up and will step up to anyone. I love her and I'm so happy I found her.





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Caitlin, long time no see but so glad you stopped in to update us on Ecko and to let us know you have another grey in your life, Whisper and she is a beauty but I think she is older than just a year by the color of her eyes. She does look like a real sweetheart and sometimes we aren't looking for another bird but things fall into place that it was meant for you two to find one another, congrats on your new addition and looking forward to seeing and hearing a lot more from you and your flock.

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