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How to start training to whistle and talk?


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My CAG is getting to be 6months now and he whistles to get attention and sometimes(to get my butt up in the morning) will make gutteral sounds that almost sounds like he's trying to talk but it's gurgled.


Would it be wise to first teach him to mimic whistling? I myself can't whistle worth a damn, so will playing a tape recorder of the whistles I want him to mimic work? I talk to him constantly when he is out of the cage and when I pass his cage. He is out of his cage 70% of the day as I work from home most days. Will this constant talking to him encourage him to speak?

Is it possible for an african grey to NEVER speak? I have to admit I got a grey for their intelligence and talking ability but at this point whether he talks or never talks he's still my baby :)

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Just keep talking as you already are as you walk by, do things, describe things etc. It does not take "Training". They pick up sounds, whistles and words etc. all on their own. My grey has never learned any whistle, song or sound listening to a sound clip or recorded media. If you can't whistle, don't sweat it. Your Grey will evolve many on his own.


Some Greys never utter a word. But, regardless of whither they talk human or not, they are sensitive, intelligent and empaths that are without equal in my book. I did not at first think Dayo was going to speak. He did not say his first word until he was between 12 to 14 months old.


Rather than fret, just enjoy the privilege of sharing a home with a Grey. :)

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Some birds never do speak, some are closet talkers and wont say a peep when someone is in the room and some of them you wish would just be quiet for a bit. But from everything I've understood about greys 6 months is too early to be too worried about it. I cant wait to get my grey and hope he/she is a talking fool. But if my bird never says a word I'll still treasure the friendship I hope we develop.

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My CAG is now 6 months old and makes all kinds of chirping and birdy sounds. I would swear he said what sounded like "hello" but he was in the other room so... I know it wasn't my other two parrots because they were in the living room with me. So we will just keep listening. Perhaps Sterling will be an early talker, perhaps not, For now, I'll just have to wait and see and just keep talking to them all. Just be patient if they are going to talk it will be in their own time and their own schedule.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It is my understanding that greys usually start talking (if they are talkers) at around 12 mos. I think that 6 mos. is still very early. I have a 3 mos. old cag, she makes all different types of sounds, gurgles etc. when I talk to her but I don't think that she will be talking for awhile. She loves when I play her Al Green, she actually is most "vocal" then!

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My CAG is getting to be 6months now and he whistles to get attention and sometimes(to get my butt up in the morning) will make gutteral sounds that almost sounds like he's trying to talk but it's gurgled.


Would it be wise to first teach him to mimic whistling? I myself can't whistle worth a damn, so will playing a tape recorder of the whistles I want him to mimic work? I talk to him constantly when he is out of the cage and when I pass his cage. He is out of his cage 70% of the day as I work from home most days. Will this constant talking to him encourage him to speak?

Is it possible for an african grey to NEVER speak? I have to admit I got a grey for their intelligence and talking ability but at this point whether he talks or never talks he's still my baby :)


There's no need to teach him whistling. Greys are one of the best whistlers in the parrot kingdom and that'll have no effect of whether he'll talk in the future. Greys who are the greatest tqlkers whitle and greys who don't talk at all whitle. Constant talking is always a good idea but immediate results probably not happen. Make believe you're having a one way chat. The bird will intently listen. Don't put your face into his. Just talk about any or everything like what's just happened in Libya or how you just designed new square shaped pancakes etc.

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