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Why does my Grey talk when nobody is looking?


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Hello all!


My Grey is a pretty female age 2 year +


The good news is my family and I do hear her talk. She's able to say "Hello!", "I love you". She also yells my brothers name out loud when I call for him ("David!"). But this is all happening when nobody is looking at her. When people she is familiar with stares at her, she'll chirp and stare back. When I call for her or try to make her repeat the words she's learned to say, she just nods her head furiously in a "yes-up-and-down" motion!


Why is this? :confused:

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our grey does the same thing. we really only get to hear what she's learned/learning in words and sounds when we're not in view! it's not a contact type of thing, she just gets verbal when we're out of the room. when she does make sounds or says words when we're in the room, she has her back to us, lol! we just figure she's "shy" or practicing!

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Right now Egan (15 week old TAG) talks up a storm about twice a day. I can pick out some words (or I think I can) from time to time but he's still a baby. But he talks and talks and talks. He does have human inflection even when I can't understand the words. My older birds also talk. The mini macaw is most NOISY when I'm in the kitchen. The little Senegal is most verbal once in the morning and once in the late afternoon.

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Cody talks when Cody wants to talk lol I can understand some of the things he says and some I'am not sure what he is saying but he will not repeat anything if you try to get him to say something ,and he still does the chicken noises lol but now he adds on a duck to the chicken ,so I never know what I'am going to hear from him

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Willie does that; talks when I'm walking away or when I'm in another room. He adds whistles and clicks in the middle of his mumbled sentences too, so that makes it harder to understand him. He's coming around so that I can hear what he's saying, sometimes, now though, and he just started doing that a couple of days ago.

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