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I have a few questions ... My CAG has just recently "allowed" me to start giving him head & neck scritches. A few months ago when i would ask him "scratch ?" thru the bars, he would offer the top of his head against the bars. I always tell him AWW while i touched the top of his head. Recently, i have noticed that he turns & rubs his head on most anything he likes such as a toy, banana, a peanut & now he rubs the top of his head on me when i'm laying on the floor. My arm, leg, foot & hand.

This has been a real breakthru to show affection being that he was a neglected re-home that you couldn't even get close to his cage w/o agression..

My question is: first i scritch him w/ my knuckle instead of finger tips because he still offers the top of his head for sucker bites. I always ask & he lowers & turns his head for scratches. Lately he has expressed on his own by putting his head down. Last night he layed his head stretched out forward on his blanket & for about a minute i pet the top of his head like a dog!!!! I actually used my finger tips & he closed his little eyes. I've gone from a 2 second touch to actually a full minute of petting !!!

I sincerely hope this wasn't a one time occurance !! Is this the beginning of a real love affair??? I still can't believe it happened !!!

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It sounds like you've done a super job! You two have really come a long way.


If you're afraid that he'll suddenly change his mind, then yes, he certainly may. Most greys are moody & go thru phases. Phenix will be (his version of) sweet as pie for a while :) Then suddenly he's all sucker bites :mad: Then just as suddenly, change back again. :confused: Sometimes all in the same day. lol They really like to call the shots & stay in control. :P


But you definitely sound like you've won him over. So I'd think you can expect even more sweetness going forward.


Again congratulations, greyt job!! :cool:

Edited by birdhouse
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Thank you all for the kind words !!! Yes, Roscoe IS extremely moody.. He does know he's in control but that's ok. When he takes & holds my finger w/ light pressure & pins... i say be nice & he immediately lets go & rubs his head & makes kissy sounds. On the other hand, he climbs down the outside of his cage & asks for a scritch, and !CHOMPS! & climbs up top laughing !!!


Seriously, I look forward to each day as an adventure & take another baby step on Roscoe's journey. Being retired has it's benefits, and my fid is a big part of my life. :)))

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It seems Roscoe and Gilbert have been planning strategies. I am so happy for you having the courage to continue to approach him even with all the lures and bites. We have had Gilbert just over six months. I can't say he bites me less often, but sometimes I think his bites are less painful so we are always pleased with whatever progress he allows. Once the trust begins to blossom, I do believe we get more opportunities and each seems to last a little longer than previously. I think my favorite is when Gilbert has not only permitted the scratch but he started to lean as you described and then he tucked his legs behind him and relaxed to lay flat out with his neck stretched trying to get closer to the finger scratching his warm little head. I don't believe this is a one time opportunity, I think you have become a trusted scratcher!

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I have been following your posts about Gilbert. You have come alot further in 6 months w/ him than i have w/ Roscoe !!! I DO hope Roscoe begins to open up more.... He is showing so much affection lately but i'm still trying to figure out what he wants. Yes !!! I LOVE that warm little soft head !!! I really get excited when he allows more than just a touch scritch. I've also been touching different spots & making kiss sounds with it & he does respond by lowering & turning his head. I feel so honored that he has allowed me to even touch him, since he has never been handled & been able to trust anyone let alone express affection. I honestly don't think he ever knew how to show love.... so it's new for both of us.

He doesn't like my husband, i fear he was mistreated by a male in the past. He is very uncomfortable around him & doesn't talk unless he goes out of the room. If Roscoe's on the floor w/ me, if my husband coughs--he does displacement biting--so i'm very careful to read body language. If my hubby gets up to walk around, Roscoe puffs up & charges him !!

Anyway, scritches have begun a new chapter in my life & i don't want him to stop !!!

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We just don't know where our rehomed guys have been before. I have a feeling Gilbert was so well loved in a couple of his homes because he says very sweet things. ("Good morning sweet bird" and "night night, sweet dreams") He also will bite me if my husband speaks to us from another room while I am holding him. He postures and "stalks" my husband, but I never saw anything like the way he disliked my friend from New York. She came to visit us and it was the first time Gilbert bit me with malice, several times like cobra strikes. Then, I took him to New York state with me and he would take snacks from anyone but her and he would bite the wires of his cage and attempt to unlock his cage with a vengeance if she was in the same room with him. He snatched out several feathers when she had been at the apartment for a couple of hours. There is just no way of knowing the workings of their mind when they choose an adversary. I am so happy that Roscoe has relaxed to allow scritches and that he is responding to your consistency with the beginnings of trust for you. There is just no more wonder and awe in the world than when you see a scared and suspicious parrot start to drop a little baggage and relax with you. Gilbert and I are retired too, I think that is what he and Roscoe need is to have someone to count on and show them our home is a safe and lovely place.

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You are so right on Dee !!! You are one of the reasons i follow Gilbert's progress. He & Roscoe seem to be similar in alot of ways & i'm always looking for hints & secrets to advance my relationship w/ him. I was so amazed at your trip & how well Gilbert did. I don't even know why but i would love to just be able to take him with me sometimes. My husband surprised me with a travel cage a few wks ago & i asked for comments on how to acclimate him to it. He is quite curious but still won't go into it. I placed peanuts & toys inside & on top but he can't get his courage up to get to them. He has tested out the bars & climbed up the door but won't go inside. He even says "Ready to go" but I'm willing to let him take his time with this new cage. It's just an experiment.... no target date but I think it's a good idea if i ever need to take him to the vet. I also am anticipating that i could take him w/ me if we decide to go away for a few days. I've never left him alone w/ anyone or been away from him so teaching him to use his travel cage would be a first step to being able to take him w/ me. Did Gilbert learn w/ u or did he already have a travel cage when u got him??

Roscoe doesn't like other people visiting the house. He doesn't like other men or women but seems to respond more to kids. My 10 year old grandson loves Roscoe & when Zack visits me we camp out on the floor by his cage. In the evening Roscoe will walk over & take food from his hand & is quite comfortable being around him. Zack loves to run up to the cage & Roscoe always says WHOOOO to greet him. Zack knocks on the wall & Roscoe makes a knocking sound back. Sometimes when Zack just puts his hand by the wall Roscoe makes his knocking sound & they both just laugh !! It's so cute.

I recently moved Roscoe's cage over a few feet so he has a window view. It's been amazing how his window is like a tv for him. It made me cry when i saw how interested he was of his window.... when where he was before ( in a spare bedroom, against a wall, with curtains closed across the room ) He has so many new things in his life i have given him. When i got him he had 1 toy, a rawhide donut in a chain that he never touched. I immediately went out & filled his cage w/ rope perches & oodles of toys !! He forages, tears up paper & leather & plays w/ everything in his cage. It's like he was yearning for stimulation & couldn't get enough. I love just watching him play for hours !!! Yes, our babies do finally have a safe & wonderful home finally & can learn & play. There will be no end to accomplishments but it all justs takes time !!

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