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Post your greys goofy word play!


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Dayo as many other greys, uses words in sentences at times that just make you bust out laughing. I will start this thread with a few examples of his creativeness.


1) We have always told him we're going to "get his butt" as we touch his tail and also in a different setting when he is hanging upside down we tickle his belly which he loves and say "tickle your belly". He uses both, but he also made up his own... "Tickle your butt".


2) He loves many food items and types which he talks about a lot when it's close to a meal time. He also talks a lot as if he is on the phone (I know he picked this up due to sitting behind me on his stand while I am working in my office and answering phones/talking to customers). He will make a phone sound as if he just pushed the button which makes a beep sound, then he will talk. He will say hilarious things like "Hi Meatloaf" then "bye bye" and the beep hanging up.


These are just two of many things that leave us rolling on the floor. I would love to hear others funny/goofy phrases their greys have made up.

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With a rehomed parrot, some of the things he says are combinations of what her heard before coming her and some parts of putting new things with old. My favorite has to do with him understanding just what he wanted but didn't seem to have the words. That was the morning he was trying to get me out of bed a couple of hours early. After a couple of questions "Night night?" and a couple of answers, no it isn't time for night night from me trying to sleep just to a decent hour. To him not being able to stand it any more and demanding for me to "Quit night night".

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My Hannah likes to call herself Hannah bird, Sings bad bird bad bird what ya gonna do? what ya gonna do whene they come for you? If you look at her she says WHAT? and starts laughing in my voice. I think thats her favorite word right now. Ive been tickling her under her wings and saying tickle tickle shes picked that up and added Boo to the end of it its so cute to hear. Whene she wants out of her cage she will say Hannah wants out , well come on out Hannah, My husband taught her that, so its in his voice. and she an whistle the first part of the andy griffith theme song. and she fake sneezes alot . She gives me so much joy .

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Jasper constantly says my daughter Summer's name... And he is constantly telling our dog, to 'get in your box'. So one day he goes, Summer, get in your box!' Stopped talking and then goes, 'WHAT?' It was hilarious... like he was asking himself what he had just said!!!

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Zazu is just coming out of his shell since he was part of a animal crulety situation. But already he trusts me so much I ask him what does the chicken say and he says Bawk bawk bawk abwk bawk he sounds perfect just like a chicken in fact my boyfriend says I've turned him into a chicken lol oh and when he isnt bawking he is meowing he is a little confused lol

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My lovely 10 year old grey,jess,has started copying my answer message to perfection,which is ,im busy on the x box,beeeep.so when i answer the phone jess shouts ,im on the x box.These greys are clever,she will be better than me on the x box soon,she grabs my controller often enough.:D

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Whenever our Pomeranian Sampson barks (he isn't yappy, just barks when the kids are playing with him, or when someone is at the door) my CAG Annie tells him to "Knock it off" followed by "Be Quiet"! Whenever someone calls Sampson's name, or whistles for him, Annie also starts to bark like him.


My wife's CAG (which we just rescued a few days ago) knows some very colorful language we have come to find out. Her previous owner seemed to tell her to shut up followed by some nasty words. I was floored when I heard this, but still think it was worth saving her from the man she lived with.

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While I was doing the mini-spa thing I ran out of tissues in the bathroom. Hair piled up w/a pound of conditioner, green clay mask (you know that really hot look!), I went dashing thru the house trying to find another box.


When Phenix gets concerned or confused, he has a habit of saying, "How are you?!?" until he's convinced everything's ok. I must have really confused him because he looked at me & said, "What are you?!?"


Fortunately, he only uses "What" for attitude, like "You talkin t'me!!". Otherwise, I'd have had to put this in the Cognition & Language Abilities thread! lol

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Fortunately, he only uses "What" for attitude, like "You talkin t'me!!". Otherwise, I'd have had to put this in the Cognition & Language Abilities thread! lol


Well, did you tell him "What" you are? :P


It is very enjoyable to read all these goofy things our greys say! :)

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Well, did you tell him "What" you are?


I did, actually. I told him that lucky for him, I was someone w/a sense of humor because otherwise, he could have been in ve-ry deep yogurt!


I also tried reminding him that I was the one w/the "keys" to his cage. But I didn't really feel like that made much of an impression, either. :rolleyes:

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I did, actually. I told him that lucky for him, I was someone w/a sense of humor because otherwise, he could have been in ve-ry deep yogurt!


I also tried reminding him that I was the one w/the "keys" to his cage. But I didn't really feel like that made much of an impression, either. :rolleyes:


You could have told him you were the human that's too poor to go to a 'real' spa because a fid takes up all the money!



Also, Dorian has expanded on the laundry sayings. Today I heard "I LUUUUUUVVV you laundry". Guess someone has to.

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