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Happy Birthday Dave007


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I want to wish our Dave007 a Happy Birthday today, you may think he is 98 today but no he isn't that old, mature maybe but not old but he does hold wisdom beyond his years for he has been like the expert we all turn to for advice for everyday goings on with our greys and their behaviors. I don't think anyone else on greyforums knows as much about the grey as he does and he is willing to share what he knows with the rest of us.


I know I have turned to him many times to ask for advice and he is always happy to oblige and sometimes with more than I wanted to know but he will always tell you the truth no matter how ugly it may be.


We are all lucky here to have a resident expert like him, he is not a vet and he will be the first to state that fact but he has so much firsthand experience from the many years he has had pet greys and from breeding greys that prove to be very useful for us novices when we get into unfamiliar situations.


I hope my good friend has a wonderful day today filled with love from his family and friends, Happy Birthday you old fart!;)

Love ya too!

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Oh yes, Happy Hatchday Dr. Flock! For I know with all your expertise about greys (really all birds/parrots) you had to have been HATCHED!!!!! LOL! Judy said it it all, you are a blessing to this Greyforums. You have given so much great advice to me and anyone who just asks. Love you to pieces. Have a Happy Day!!!!



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