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To get a congo or Timneh.


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Though I am a fairly new member to these forums. My interest in getting a companion grey has had me reading and researching (somewhat to my wifes annoyance, she says I'm obsessed lol) a healthy portion of my free time for the last few months. I've poured over these forums and read other peoples experiences ranging from wonderful relationships they have with their birds to their sometimes a bit unpredictable behavior and personality traits that make the life long commitment to such an animal an enriching experience for you and your birds. You have all shared such wonderful, and sad stories. Being somewhat new to maintaining birds besides watching my mom raise canaries when I was a kid, I just don't want to become one of those people who dive right in not knowing what I'm getting myself into.


Ive debated when I first started looking into it and have always thought a CAG was the bird for me. Mainly because I wanted a larger bird and I like the brighter red color in the tail. But being the first time I will have ever owned a bird like this i was thinking maybe I should see what the more experienced bird owners thought of the differences. I've read the TAG may be an easier bird for a beginner. Really it doesn't matter to me what I get, I just want to be able to provide the best home and care possible. So I was wondering if you all had any input on the differences if any on the two subspecies if I should set my sights on one in particular.

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I did the same research and decided on a TAG for my own needs. Others decided on CAGs for their personal reasons. Some have both and can probably give you a better idea of the realities. All I can say is that a lot of what you read are going to be generalities and the personality of the individual bird will be the deciding factor.

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I just got my baby CAG last week and also wanted a bigger bird compared to a TAG. I also preferred the beautiful bright red tail and black beak. You sound like you are doing your homework and will be fine with either. I think it just comes down to personal preference and what YOU like and want!

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Well the main points I had read was that a TAG was less likely to switch from one favorite person to another at random? I had also read that they are easier to build a bond with in general. But I read the opposite on another site. I've really come to realize there's a lot of conflicting information about AG's out there. I realize a lot of it depends on the personality of the bird, how they were raised and how you treat them. But I know that a lot of you have/have had them both and maybe they could shed a bit more light from personal experience.

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I have both a TAG and a CAG. Ana Grey, my TAG is now 3 years old and I have had her since she was 4 months old. My CAG, Sterling Gries, is now 5 months old and he has been a part of my flock since he was 4 months old, for about 6 weeks. I have learned that each grey is different that it has to do with how they are treated and cared for especially when they are being weaned that determines whether or not they are confident and trusting. Both of my greys' breeders were "just everyday" people who had a love of greys. Both told me to cuddle and love my babies from the very beginning as they were looking for the leader of the flock in their new home and that was me! My advice to you is choose a good and loving breeder and select the grey you want be it CAG or TAG and use your God given intelligence to read your new grey's body language and take his/her lead. Greys are so very intelligent and they just want to be loved and respected. Basically just what every living thing deserves. I commend you for researching greys and I believe CAG or TAG will be the right grey for you because you care. good luck on your quest for the right grey.

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I have a CAG and I love him to bits. He has been with me for about seven years but I would love him no less if he were a TAG. Just go looking and your bird will find you CAG or TAG. As he (she) could be with you for the rest of your life all that matters is that you give it all the love it needs and it will give back more than you could imagine.

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I have had both CAGs and my rehomed TAG. I believe there are individuals in each subspecies that are unique and really can't categorize one being better than the other. If you have a preference in the looks of one over the other, that is one thing, but I can't say either is better. My first love was a CAG and it was the baby I waited for, researched and I lost him to illness after a short time. I thought I would be partial to the CAG forever, loved the bright red tail and all. Then I got my ragtag little rehomed plucker of a TAG, Gilbert. I love him completely and am devoted to him and the distinction between TAG and CAG was gone for me. I am just so happy to have Gilbert in my life even with all the obstacles we have yet to overcome that my advice to you is to go see the breeders and choose your bird based on the start it gets in life and the preparation the breeder is willing to give you.

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Thank you all for the great replies. I was starting to lean more towards a timneh but after reading your replies I think I'll stick with the CAG. I may make the three hour trip to St.Louis this weekend to see the clutch she has now and pick from them. I've been wanting to wait till spring to bring my baby home for one reason or another, but I'm about to go nuts waiting lol. The ones she has won't be ready for a while yet so I'll have plenty of time to decide.

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Im happy to say that our fellow flock members have given you excellent advice, and you will make a great relationship with your bird (whichever you choose) by applying the knowledge you'll learn from this site , be safe on your road trip to go pick out a new baby bird, although I've read that its best if you let the chick pick you instead ;)

Edited by Cupid
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